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This Is The Day by Planetshakers

This Is The Day chords by Planetshakers

Guitar chords with lyrics

Tuning: Standard EBGDAE

Difficulty: Novice

This is the Day - Planetshakers
2013 Limitless Album

Key of Ab (Fm)

124 Beats Per Minute in 4/4 Time.

Pretty easy song, more or less 4 chords in similar progressions.

Db, Fm, Eb, Ab
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
Verse 1
Db     Fm    Eb
This is the day You made
Ab   Db      Fm    Eb     Ab
I'll rejoice and be glad with all that I am
Db     Fm   Eb
This is the day You made
Ab   Db      Fm   Eb
I'll rejoice and be glad in You

Tag: This part is the chords, as well as the chords doing octaves.
Two guitars playing different but the same stuff.
Db, Fm, Eb, Ab

Verse 2
Db     Fm    Eb
This is the day You made
Ab   Db      Fm     Eb    Ab
And Your mercies are new, Your promises true
Db     Fm    Eb
This is the day You made
Ab   Db      Fm   Eb
I'll rejoice and be glad in You

     Fm       Eb
There's a supernatural praise
    Db        Ab
Rising up in my heart, up in my heart
 Fm          Eb      Db
A sound that has to be made, O Lord

    Db  Fm   Eb
So my heart will sing
Ab    Db  Fm    Eb  Ab
You are Good, You are good
     Db  Fm  Eb
And with everything
Ab    Db  Fm     Eb
I will praise, I will praise

This is the day You made
So I will give You praise
Whatever comes my way I'll rejoice in You

Listen to the track for a better understanding of the arrangement,
or alternatively email me at christian.hrowney@gmail.com if you have any


This Is The Day chords

Planetshakers chords for This is the day

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This Is The Day by Planetshakers guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "This Is The Day" by Planetshakers! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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