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On The Turning Away by Pink Floyd

On The Turning Away tab by Pink Floyd

Guitar tabs

On The Turning Away
		by Pink Floyd
		From A Momentary Lapse of Reason

SOLO tabs included!

N.C.        | G
It’s a sin that ...
     C       Em     D   G5  G        C
Light is changing to shadow, and ...
Em       C      G    Em      G    C
unaware how the ranks have grown....
G            C  Em     D   G5  G    Em   D
we could find that we’re all alone ....
 G         C      Em         D    G
the night  As the day time is ....
C       Em          C     G    Em        G
silent accord, using words you will ...
  C     G          C  Em    D    G
the flame, Feel the new wind of ....
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

The bridge is a distorted gutar playing these chords

E5  D  Cadd9  C5  D5  Em   D  A5 (B note on fifth string)

(A note on fifth string) C5 C#5/D5/A5 A5  Am  C C#5/D5/A E5

/ = Slide up to next chord  = slide down to next chord

 Em    D   G5       C      Em
No more turning away, from ....

     D     G5      C
No more turning away from the ....

Em           C     G5     Em        G     C
Just a world that we all must ....

 G      Em         C      D   G
Is it only a dream that there’ll ....



  E5                   C


                      D     G



                         D     G

               E         C    E5

  D          E5                 D     G


    C         E5                   D

 E5           D    G

                   E5               C

         E5               D      E5

         D        G


   C           E5

 D       E5                     D    G


                       C          E5



pulloff/hammer on -----2>1>2-----
bend(to not in ())-----2>(4)----
hold bend     -----2>(4)===>2--
vibrato      ------2vvvvvvv-
dive and return
w/ bar      ----2-/-/-/-  (3 times)
slide       --2/4--31----
pinch harmonic   -----¨8¨-------

On The Turning Away tab

Pink Floyd tabs for On the turning away

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On The Turning Away by Pink Floyd guitar tabs playing instructions.

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Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "On The Turning Away" by Pink Floyd! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "On The Turning Away" by Pink Floyd with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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