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God Delivers Again by The Paynes

God Delivers Again chords by The Paynes

Guitar chords with lyrics

  • Difficulty: Beginner

Verse 1:
Standing there at the Red Sea
    Bb        F
God's people began to complain,
"Soon Pharaoh and his mighty army
    G         C
Will take us in bondage again."
    F                 Bb      F
"Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord," Moses cried
 C   F
Then Versed the waters
 Dm    C          F
And they crossed to the other side
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God delivers again
   Bb      F
Oh my God delivers again
When it seems that all is lost
   G        C
He reaches down His hand
Then all the forces of evil
     Bb      F
Have to flee at His command

Just when things look hopeless
 Dm  F  C   F
My God de-livers again

♫ Verse 2:
"We'll never bow to your idols,"
    Bb         F
The three Hebrew children proclaimed
So the king gave the command to
    G       C
Throw them into the flame
    F                 Bb      F
The king said, "Did we not cast three men into the furnace bound?
 C   F
I see four men loose in the fire
 Dm    C          F
unhurt and they're walking around."

♫ Chorus:
God delivers again
   Bb      F
Oh my God delivers again
When it seems that all is lost
   G        C
He reaches down His hand
Then all the forces of evil
     Bb      F
Have to flee at His command

Just when things look hopeless
 Dm  F  C   F
My God de-livers again

God Delivers Again chords

The Paynes chords for God delivers again

What Is This?

God Delivers Again by The Paynes guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the guide for guitarists starting out on their learning journy and want to master the song God Delivers Again by The Paynes. This page is specifically designed for musicians who are at the beginner level, but can be enjoyed by everyone who wants to challenge themselves with learing to play God Delivers Again using our chords.

Why This Page Is Perfect for You?

As a guitarist starting out, you will now build a solid foundation of skills and are ready to elevate your playing to the next level.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "God Delivers Again" by The Paynes with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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