🎸 Intro: Gm C7 (x4) 🎸 Verse 1: Gm C7 A group of a thousand years Gm C7 A millenium Gm C7 Gm C7 An urge to do something inadvisable imaginary and therefore disappointing Leave abruptly Gm C7
Gm C7 🎸 Verse 2: Gm C7 Ensorcelled by dregs Gm C7 Stupid start again Gm Set free an older sister C7 Gm C7 Uprooted from their natural social environment Gm C7 Gm It's the harmonious arrangement or fitting together of the different parts of something C7 Your funeral rites Gm C7 Tears outside or beyond the physical world Gm C7 The extravagant boasting of today Gm C7 Travel from place to place Gm Selling small items C7 Clearly expressed Gm C7 Bad tempered Gm C7 Gm Be a warning of a happy misty fog growing C7 Great sorrow Gm Shining brightly C7 In the sky Gm The clear sky C7 Hot and glowing Gm C7 Gm Yellow glowing C7 Gm Stain a hand or a sword C7 With blood Gm C7 Crimson in colour Gm A song C7 A song Gm C7 A song 🎸 Verse 3: Gm C7 A learned person A preacher Gm C7 Gm C7 The wild hatred of marriage Gm A bird’s wishbone C7 A merrythought Gm C7 Gm C7 Gm C7 An execution carried out by drowning Gm C7 Gm C7 Gm C7 Able or ready to do anything making or requiring atonement Gm C7 A person who owns something Gm You see things C7 Gm C7 Predict events of the future resurrection man Gm C7 Leave our burial grounds alone Gm C7 The human body Gm C7 A hallow bone medicine man Gm C7 Gm C7 Keep a sick person's soul safe while they are sick Gm And proud C7 And overbearing Gm An inhabitant of the earth C7 A heavy drinker Gm A prude C7 A killjoy Gm A beautiful young woman C7 Intense or impassioned Gm C7 Extremely deep Gm C7 A song celebrating a wedding Gm Tear to pieces C7 A short simple song Gm C7 With a refrain Gm With a refrain 🎸 Verse 4: Gm C7 Gm Everlasting C7 The summer of your youth Gm C7 A year of a person's age Gm Accustomed Usual C7 A young person Gm C7 Gm C7 Attempts a low birth or social standing Gm C7 An asylum Gm In good time C7 You’re early Gm C7 You're pre-historic Gm C7 You're early Gm C7 Gm C7 Gm C7 Gm C7