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Planet Caravan by Pantera

Planet Caravan tab by Pantera

Guitar tabs

From c694232@showme.missouri.edu Fri Feb 14 09:20:17 1997

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Hi-- I'm the original poster of the Planet Caravan tab-
and I just noticed that it's ALL messed up-
if you wouldn't mind just reposting it-
I've fixed it up here


Wed July 25 8:41 pm 1995
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
Please note: original post from [tgannon@local.host (spideir)]

 "PLANET CARAVAN" (Black Sabbath) as covered by Pantera
 -- comp. Black Sabbath [Tony Iommi], 1970 (from _Paranoid_)
 -- covered on "Far Beyond Driven", 1994
  -- rhythm guitar & bass tab/"arr." by tcg, 198?, 1994
  -- 4/4 // key of Em // Slowly
  -- rhythm guitar: reverb preferred (phaser or similar "wave" device
    nice, too--or just face amp into blowing fan [kiddin'])
  -- guitar plays 2 measures (one time thru) before bass comes in . . . .
  -- Lead from Pantera version also

NOTICE: CAREFUL !!!!!!!! The lead is not correct as to timing and note
             space, the only exception is the (sometimes)
             long spaces between phrases

  GUITAR                       [repeat thruout;
   Em(/9)    .           "DM6/11" [sic: GM7/D]
 ||  1  &  2  &  3  &  4  &    1  &  2  &  3  &  4  &
 || BASS [notes right--your guess as good as mine on actual strings]
 ||o---------------------------7h9-----|-------------------(7b)8 r
 . : staccato (cut short--first Em chord)
 * : slight bend
 % : eighth-note rest
 r : let down a previous bend
 ====: hold tone thru count (legato arpeggio)
 ^^^^: improvisations at this point after first playing (listen to the CD)

 LEAD . . .






   1/2                        full


         b(full)   b(full) R           full



      full   full   2 steps  2 steps          h h

  p p               p

    b 1/2 R p         full         1/2



     1/2        1/2                 b full R
       b full R         b full R p     b 1 1/2 steps

Any Questions, comments, etc...
Would be greatly appreciated!!

(Rob Doyle)
thanks a lot-
and I must say you've done an EXCELLENT job keeping


Planet Caravan tab

Pantera tabs for Planet caravan

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Planet Caravan by Pantera guitar tabs playing instructions.

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Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "Planet Caravan" by Pantera! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Planet Caravan" by Pantera with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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