July Ocean Colour Scene One From The Modern, Track 7 Written by Simon Fowler, Steve Craddock, Damon Minchella and Oscar Harrison. Chords used: EBGDAE Em:000220 A :02220X G :334553 B :778997 E :001220 I usually wait till the tab book comes out, so I don't work out stuff that much, but it doesn't look like they're not making one for this album, so here it is.
Intro Riff: A:--------------------------------7- E:0-0-12-0-0-12-0p3-0p5-0p7-0p7-9--- Repeat this four times, the other instruments come in after two. After that D:-2-2---2-2---2-2---2-2--- A:-2-2---2-2---2-2---2-2--- E:-0-0---0-0---0-0---0-0--- Well it's just the Em chord, but that's the timing. Remember, damp it with your right hand. Verse: Em A It's warm outside... ...Snow (Play the bottom three notes of the A chord here with wah-wah) G A Window... ...Away (OK, when you play that G play G:--12-10-12-10--) E B Deeper down... ...Mistake (Just down-strums here.) A This way... Chorus: E A E A And June becomes July E A E A June becomes July You get the idea. Now the tab here is this (sort of). E:------------------------------- B-------------------)-)-)-------- G:---)-)-)--------14-)-)-)-14-12- And repeat D:-14-)-)-)-14-12---------------- A:------------------------------- E:------------------------------- OK, that looks really dodgy, it's hard to write that in tab. Basically play the note on the 14th fret, bend it up, then down, then up then down. Now it makes sense. Tiny snare drum fill then Verse 2: Well, just play this exactly the same as verse one. Then Intro Riff, then Verse 3, then Intro Riff (Worth playing one more time.) Then the guitar plays B:--15-12--15-12--15-12--15-12- While the bass plays the intro riff. Then it gets a little atmospheric. The guitar just plays the E chord once, with lots of flanger, and the bass does something like E:-0---3---5---7---9---10---11---12---0- The guitar plays E as well on that last note. Now for that little coda bit at the end. There's an acoustic guitar picking individual notes in the Em chord and then the electric guitar plays a riff in the key of E with warm distortion on. Acoustic: E:---0------------ B:-------0-------- G:----------0-----And repeat. D:-------------2-- A:-----2---------- E:-0-------------- Yeah, that's about right. Electric: E:---------------------------------------- B:---------------------------------------- G:-------------12------------------12--14-And repeat. D:-------12-14----14--------12--14-------- A:-12h14--------------12h14--------------- E:---------------------------------------- Well, that's about it. Just a couple of things: I worked this out on my acoustic cause the electric was in the other room so I couldn't really work out all those twiddly trembolo bits that Steve Craddock puts in. My guess is that they are based around the chord note so they should be easy enough to work out. As I said, I don't work out things much so please e-mail me telling me what you think (especially with corrections). Thanks. And Sorry it's so long, I do tend to ramble on a bit. Des, from Dublin in Ireland. desie@ireland.com.