: this song is awesome and it really touches me. hope you like this too. : : this goes to all my friends, esp. to lemuel,elcid,kid,2lboy, : : peryong(wand-bu),nikki,jennifer,gerald,and to agustinians,& to nong kiks : : hehehe... you're d best. : **************************************************************************** One and only you MYMP C G It took one look F Am G And forever laid out in front of me C G One smile and I died F Am G But I do need to be revived by you
Verse: 2 C There i was G F Thought i had everything figured out Am G C Just goes to show just how much i know G F Am 'bout the way life plays out... Chorus: C G F I take one step away Am G C G When i find myself coming back to you F Am G C My one and only one and only you...ooh... (the next verses follow the same pattern as the first two) Verse: 3 Now i know That i know not a thing at all Except the fact that i am yours And that you are mine Verse: 4 Ooh They told me that it wouldn't be easy And i know That i am not the one to complain... (Chrous 2X) *CHORUS THIS TIME IS SANG ONE STEP HIGHER (continue chorus by deleting "you...ooh...") (then end with the outro below) I don;t know if this is right but this is the one im playing in our school i need sugggestion and coments about this chords thank you this is my first time to translate a chord, i hope you like it, actually, this is a rivival from Parokya ni Edgar. CHAO!!! --SASI-- CSA-bacolod City