Tuning: Dropped D Difficulty: Intermediate Muse ft. The Streets - Who Knows Who 🏷Legend: = Natural Harmonic * = Natural Harmonic (Not enough space in some parts) x = Muted String + = Wah pedal, heel down o = Wah pedal, toe down
Intro and verse part 1: Sleep Now in the Fire solo style, Stand close to the amp for a lot of feedback and use the Digitech Whammy pedal (and and use a killswitch. Matthew Bellamy could use his Kaoss Pad for this. Verse part 2 (around 00:36) Bulls on Parade solo syle Wrub with your hand/pick against the (lowest) strings and use a killswitch and a Wah (It can be also be another pedal, sometinhg robotic-style, could also be the Kaoss Pad) If you gonna play a chord with the (or other effects) play a D5 Pre-chorus (00:57) e|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|---------------------| D|------------| A|------------| D|------------| Chorus (00:58): e|-----------------------| B|-----------------------| G|-----------------------| D|-----------------------| A|-5-----3---5--6----3-4-| D|---0---3---5--6--0-----| x8 Verse part 1 (01:20) Verse part 2 (01:26) Pre-chorus (01:45) e|-----------------------| B|-----------------------| G|-----------------------| D|--------| A|--------| D|--------| Chorus (01 :46) Bridge (02:07) e|-----------------|-----------------| B|-----------------|-----------------| G|-7-x-x-7-x-x-7-x-|-7-x-x-7-x-x-7-x-| D|-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-|-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-| A|-5-x-x-5-x-x-5-x-|-5-x-x-5-x-x-5-x-| D|-----------------|-----------------| repeat There are harmonics underneath it, they're difficult to hear. But I think it's something like this. The order of the harmoncis and rythm changes e|-----------------|--------------|-----------------| B|-----------------|--------------|-----------------| G|-----------------|--------------|-----------------| D|-----------------|--------------|-----------------| A|-*-*---*-----*---|*-*---*---*---|-*-*---*---*---*-| D|-5-5-x-5-x-x-5-x-|3-3-x-3-x-5-x-|-4-4-x-5-x-3-x-4-| Pre-chorus (02:32): o + o + e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------| D|-------x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x| A|-------x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x| D|-------x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x| (02 :34) With wah e|-----------------------| B|-----------------------| G|-----------------------| D|-----------------------| A|-5-----------------3-4-| D|---0---3---5--6--0-----| x8 Chorus (02 :55) Outro (03 :17): + o + o e|----------------| B|----------------| G|----------------| D|-0-- let ring --| A|-0-- let ring --| D|-0-- let ring --| THE END Submitted by: Dara77
"Who knows who" is a cooperation between Muse and The Street (Mike Skinner). The song was leaked on the Internet almost a full year before it was officially released in 2009.
Muse's Matthew Bellamy plays guitar. This tablature should help you play it in Muse's alternative rock style.