Capo 2 D x2 /// // /// / Strum Pattern middle strum on 3 strum pattern is up. D My Ti…………….me is your time After all that you’ve been thru can you hear me calling you And this li……….ne that I’m walking time Is pointing write to you, I’m living my life with you D So call on me, I’ll guard myself h2.p2) Just wait and see, I start a brand new now Cadd9 This time is the last time for me
D My li……… fe is in your hands You..... can... take... me... all... the.......... way This relig………….ion in war torn lands World…..has…… .seen……… its ……… better ….day D So call on me, I’ll guard myself D Just wait and see, I start a brand new now Cadd9 This time is the last time for me D So call on me, I’ll guard myself D Just wait and see, I start a brand new now Cadd9 This time is the last time for me Cadd9 This time is the last time for me Cadd9 This time is the last time for me Gadd9 320033 Cadd9 x32030 Em/A xx0200 D xx0232
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for This Time Last Time by Shawn Mullins