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Hand In My Pocket by Alanis Morissette

Hand In My Pocket chords by Alanis Morissette

Guitar chords with lyrics

I know this song is pretty basic, musically, but I figured it would be
timely and work well in my solo acoustic sets around the San Jose-area
coffeehouses. Since I went to the trouble of transcribing all the lyrics,
I can't see a reason not to share it here!

I believe Alanis sings this in the key of D; to accomodate my male singing
voice, I have transposed it down to Bb (or B, depending on capo placement).
I use 'open-A' fingering, with the capo on the first or second fret. I've
shown the music below as just being in 'A', however. (Put your capo on
the 5th fret to play along with the record, or transpose this back to the
open-D position without a capo).
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
As the music is basically a 'drone' type of sound, I use variations of the
basic open-A chord position to lend some variance to my solo accompaniment,
namely, the -sus2 and -sus4 forms of the basic A-chord, as follows:

  A Asus2 Asus4


The chord variations below are only suggestions;
mix 'em up as you see fit!

Here's the song:

         Hand In My Pocket     -- Alanis Morissette

   A      Asus2   Asus4    Asus2
I'm ..
   A       Asus2  A
I'm ..
   A      Asus2   Asus4    Asus2
I'm ..
   A      Asus2   A
I'm ..

  Asus2       G6   D
And ..
               Asus2    A
Is ..
Cause ..
     D             A
And ..









J Smith
Sunnyvale, CA


   This is a great song that took forever to figure out, so I got the JLP

songbook. After a while and after learning the chords I finally figured
out the
live version of the song (with my own little things added). What are we

----------------------------Hand in My

I'm ..

I'm ..

I'm ..

I'm ..

I'm ..

I'm ..

G5/F            Am7 Em7
What ..

Csus2          (Dsus) G5
Is ..

G5/F              Am7 Em7
I've ..

Csus2        (Dsus)  G5
And ..

I ..
I'm ..
I'm ..
I ..
I'm ..
I'm ..
What ...**
Is ...**
I've **
And ...**

G5/F            Am7 Em7
What ...**

Csus2                (Dsus)  G5
Is ..**

G5/F               Am7 Em7
I've ..**

Csus2                  (Dsus) G5
And ..**

I'm ..
I'm ..
I'm ...
I'm ...
I'm ..
What ..**
Is ..**
I've ..**
And ..**

And ..**
Is ..**
I've ..**
And ....**

A few things...
	(1). Each space is a sixteenth note (e.i. four spaces equal a
	   quarter note)
	(2). This song uses the regular E,A,D,G,B,E tuning (E,B,G,D,A,E
	   if you prefer)
	(3). This song sounds nice both w/ an electric (clean) and an
	   acoustic. I'm not sure about a 12-string (cause I don't
	   have one!!!)




G5/F   Am7,Em7 Csus2   Dsus*** G5

G5/F   Am7,Em7 Csus2   Dsus*** G5           To Coda X

CODA               +---------------------------------+
 X                |The only distorted measures...  |
G5/F   Am7,Em7 Csus2   Dsus*** G5  D5   A5 G5

G5/F   Am7,Em7 Csus2   Dsus*** G5

G5                           (Fade out...)

*-the beginning of each line starts on the last eight note of each
 measure(the "yeah"'s and "baby"'s all have their own measures)
**-exceptions to "*"
***-slide up from C/G

Chord List!!!!

  G5     G5    G5/F     Am7     Em7    Csus2
 ___xxx   xxxo__   _xoxxx   x_____   o_oooo   ___o_o
3-o|||||   ||||||   o|||||   ||||o|   ||||||   ||||||
 ||||||   ||||||   ||||||   ||o|||   |o||||   ||o|||
 |oo|||   ||||oo   ||||||   ||||||   ||||||   |o||o|
 ||||||   ||||||   ||||||   ||||||   ||||||   ||||||

  D5     A5
 x___xx   ___xxx
5-|o||||  5-o|||||
 ||||||   ||||||
 ||oo||   |oo|||
 ||||||   ||||||

Here's what I did to the song:
    (1). Added the Am7, Em7, and Dsus and edited the two measures after

/                                  \
|   If you have anything to add or correct please e-mail me!!   |
|            ilam@usa.pipeline.com            |
|     For more Alanis info: http://pwp.usa.pipeline.com     |

Hand In My Pocket chords

Alanis Morissette chords for Hand in my pocket

What Is This?

Hand In My Pocket by Alanis Morissette guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Hand In My Pocket" by Alanis Morissette! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Hand In My Pocket" by Alanis Morissette with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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