Copied from the Network is...for Blues players to enjoy... I play this with my fingers and a heavy metal bottleneck. Sometimes I use a thumb-pick for a louder bass line. I use at least (as a minimum size) 0.13" sized strings! I've got a live recording from Muddy Waters playin' in the key of A with his band using a Telecaster. In this case Muddy Water doesn't play any bass notes but a nice melody line which differs from what I play acoustical. ~Title: I can't be satisfied Artist: Muddy Waters Descriptions:
/ : pick first note and slide up to second without picking second note. \ : pick first note and slide down to second without picking second note. ~ : slight vibrato with bottleneck h : hammer on (with bottleneck) p : pull off (if possible with bottleneck) d : dampen (with left or right hand) as soon as you play next note INTRO: listen to the record and play what you like to play :-) FIRST VERSE: e -|-----------------------------------|- B -|--10/12----------------------------|- G#-|-----------10/12-------------------|- E -|---------------------10/12---------|- B -|-----------------------------------|- E -|--0----0---0-----0---0-----0-0/3-0-|- E7 Well I'm gonna .... e -|--------------------------------------|- B -|-10/12--------------------------------|- G#-|-----------10/12-10/12----------------|- E -|-----------------------12\------------|- B -|--------------------------------------|- E -|--0----0---0------0-----0-----0-0/3-0-|- E7 won't be ... e -|-------------------------------------|- B -|-10/12-------------------------------|- G#-|-----------10/12---------------------|- E -|---------------------10/12-----------|- B -|-------------------------------------|- E -|--0----0---0-----0---0-----0-0/3-0---|- E7 Goin' back ... e -|-------------------------------------|- B -|-/3----------------------------------|- G#-|-----3\2-----------------------------|- E -|----------2/3-2/3--0-----------------|- B -|-------------------------------------|- E -|-/3--3\2--2/3-2/3--0--0--------------|- E7 child don't ...go e -|----------------------------------------|- B -|----------------------------------------|- G#-|----------------------------------------|- E -|----------/5---/5~~---------------------|- B -|-------0--------------------------------|- E -|--0/3-----/5---/5~~---------------------|- A7 Lord my t... e -|------------------------------------------------------|- B -|-----------------------------------5d-----------------|- G#-|--------------------------------------3\1-------------|- E -|----------/5--/5--0-/3-0-/3/3-0-----------3--0--/3-0--|- B -|-------0----------------------------------------------|- E -|--0/3-----/5--/5--0-/3-0-/3/3-0----0------0--0--/3 0--|- A7 will be all ... e -|-------------------------------------------------------|- B -|--------------10---------------------------------------|- G#-|-------------------------------------------------------|- E -|----------/7-------7~----------------------------------|- B -|-------0-----------------------------------------------|- E -|--0/3-----/7--10---7~----------------------------------|- B7 Well you know I ... e -|------------------------------|------------------------------------|- B -|------------------------------|---------12-12---------------15-----|- G#-|------------------------------|--10/12---------12\10---------------|- E -|-7\-----3/5-----/3--/3---0----|-----------------------10/12--------|- B -|------------------------------|------------------------------------|- E -|-7\--0--3/5--0--/3--/3---0----|--0-------------0------0------0--12\|- A7 I just can't ....(turnaround) ---------------------- Well, this is the first TAB I tried to do. I hope it's not too bad, and you folks can work with it. And don't forget the one important thing while playing slide guitar: DAMP your strings! have fun markus PS: I'm NOT sure about the lyrics. Any corrections or comments welcome! Any Johnny Winter, Rory Gallagher or Muddy Waters tab would be very welcome! -- Charles