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Just Can't Let You Go by Gary Moore

Just Can't Let You Go chords by Gary Moore

Guitar chords with lyrics

Live at Monsters of Rock.

G* = G5 or Gmaj. Doesn`t matter, but I don`t think it`s Gm

Intro: G - Bm x2, end on a Bm

G     Bm
I want you back again
G      Bm
I need your love again

C          a
I just can't let you go
C          a
I just can't let you go
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
  G       Bm
My love has been strong before
  G        Bm
My words have been wrong before

C          a
I just can't let you go
C          a
I just can't let you go

My love ...

Bridge/breakdown, the part with distortion:
Do you still remember
What it used to be
Do you still remember
When it was you and me
I would do anything
Not to see you walk away
Get right down on my knees
D#       F
And beg you to stay

G    Bm
Ooooooh Oooooh
G    Bm
Ooooooh Oooooh

G     Bm
I want you back again
G      Bm
I need your love again

C          a
I just can't let you go
C          a
I just can't let you go

Distorted part, and during tremolo picking section:
C - a

The bluesy solo part, untill the end of the song.
G - Bm

Tip: If you want to give the chords a more melodic sound then you can play chords like
quick between the Bm.

The only thing I`m not completely sure about is the distorted part that begins with a

Just Can't Let You Go chords

Gary Moore chords for Just cant let you go

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Just Cant Let You Go by Gary Moore guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Just Cant Let You Go" by Gary Moore! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Just Cant Let You Go" by Gary Moore with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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