I am fairly sure I've got the chord shapes right or this one..... however, the names are a different story altogether. .....if someone could correct the mistakes I may have made in the names I'd appreciate it Also, I'm leaving the right hand fingering for the player to work out for him/herself....its fairly easy...basically arpeggio style (with some strumming) and picked up easily by listening to the song .....thanks to Howard Wright for the tuning ----------------------------------- MARCIE by Joni Mitchell from Song to a Seagull -----------------------------------
Tuning: (from low to high) D G D G B D.......open G there are two distinct chord progressions used in this song which I call Patterns 1 & 2. Pattern 1: Gm7 A7 Marcie .. C6add2 G Cadd2 G Steps .. Gm7 A7 Reds .. C6add2 G Cadd2 G G Cadd2 G Still .. D# D So .. C B Hang .. Gm7 A7 Dust .. C6add2 G Cadd2 G G Cadd2 G wave ... G Cadd2 G G Cadd2 G ........repeat Pattern 1 for the following : Marcie's .. Marcie's .. Red .. Greens .. All .. stares .. Marcie .. stops a .. Pattern 2 : Gmaj7 C(2) And .. and .. Gmaj7 Winter .. C(2) There's .. G(2) A7 C6add2 G Cadd2 G Gm7 A7 C6add2 G Cadd2 G to .. .........use Pattern 1 for the following : Marcie .. takes .. red is .. Sees a .. Down .. Past .. still .. still .. .......and Pattern 2 for this : Like .. and .. Dream .. and .. Wait .. .......back to Pattern 1 for : Marcie .. Where.. Red .. that .. Someone .. window .. Some . Ticket... CHORDS : DGDGBD DGDGBD DGDGBD DGDGBD x33030 x22022 x22010 x02010 Gm7 A7 C6/9 Cadd2 or C6add2 DGDGBD DGDGBD DGDGBD DGDGBD x8888x x77777 x55555 x44444 D# D C B DGDGBD DGDGBD DGDGBD DGDGBD x44030 x55055 505430 000000 Gmaj7 C(2) G(2) G NOTES : I play the G(2) like this : D-------------------------- B---2s3-------------------- G----4--------------------- D----5--------------------- G----0--------------------- D----5--------------------- any corrections or improvements are of course welcome... Cheers Paul