I DON'T KNOW WHERE I STAND - Joni Mitchell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Terry (tabsntunings.com), finger-picking pattern transcribed by budtz38 Email: budtz38@hotmail.com Tuning: FFCGAc First of, I found the tuning and most chords for this song on the excellent website tabsntunings.com. Go there for a couple of really great Joni Mitchell tabs. Personally though, it really helps me to see the finger-picking pattern as well, so I decided to transcribe it.
THE CHORDS: Bbm6 Gm Fadd9(sus4) Dadd9 Cadd9 F7 Bbadd9 Am7 c|0--------0--------0--------9--------7--------0(3)-----5-------0(4)----------| A|4--------1--------0(1)-----9--------7--------3--------5-------3------------| G|0--------0--------0(2)-----9--------7--------2--------5-------0------------| C|5--------2--------0--------9--------7--------3--------5-------4------------| F|5--------2--------0--------9--------7--------0--------5-------4------------| F|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| Aadd9 Gadd9 Abadd9 c|4--------2--------3--------------------------------------------------------| A|4--------2--------3--------------------------------------------------------| G|4--------2--------3--------------------------------------------------------| C|4--------2--------3--------------------------------------------------------| F|4--------2--------3--------------------------------------------------------| F|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| FINGER-PATTERN: Bbm6 Gm Fadd9(sus4) c|----------0---------------0---------------0---------0----------------------| A|4-----4-----4---1-----1---------1-----0---------0h1---0-----0--------------| G|----0---------0-----0---------0-----2---------2-----------0---0------------| C|--4-----4---------2-----2---------0-----0---------------0------------------| F|5-----5---------2-----2-----2---0-----0-----0---0-----0--------------------| F|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & This will be your basic finger-picking pattern for the entire song. There are minor variations, particularly when it comes to the first half of the verses when you play the Dadd9 and Cadd9 chords, so if you insist on playing it excactly like Joni, you'll have to figure out those for yourself. THE SONG (again, thanks go to tabsntunings.com): Intro: Bbm6 Gm Fadd9(sus4) Bbm6 Gm Fadd9(sus4) Dadd9 Dadd9 Dadd9 Cadd9 Funny day, looking for laughter and finding it there Dadd9 F7 Sunny day, braiding wild flowers and leaves in my hair Bbadd9 Am7 Picked up a pencil and wrote 'I love you' in my finest hand Bbm6 Gm Fadd9(sus4) Wanted to send it but I don't know where I stand Dadd9... Telephone, even the sound of your voice is still new All alone in California and talking to you And feeling too foolish and strange to say the words that I had planned I guess it's too early, 'cause I don't know where I stand. Aadd9 Gadd9 Bbm6 Gm Fadd9(sus4) Do do do do do do dooooo do do do do do do do do do do do do Dadd9... Crickets call, courting their ladies in stardappled green Thickets tall, until the morning comes up like a dream All muted and misty, so drowsy now, I'll take what sleep I can I know that I miss you but I don't know where I stand (2x) Aadd9 Gadd9 Bbm6 Gm Fadd9(sus4) Dadd9 Cadd9 Abadd9 Gadd9 Do do do do do do do do do do do doooooo | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note