From uunet!cbmvax!macon Fri Jul 17 12:09:17 PDT 1992 Article: 800 of Path:!uunet!cbmvax!macon Newsgroups: Message-ID: Sender: Reply-To: (Glen Macon) Distribution: world Keywords: j mitchell 062 Title: FOR FREE (Joni Mitchell) 1969 G Fmaj7 Em I .. Am C F C I .. G Fmaj7 Em The .. Am C F C And .. Am G I .. C G F Em D Waiting .. G Fmaj7 Em Across .. Am C F C Em D On ...
G Fmaj7 Em Now .. Am C F C And .. G Fmaj7 Em I've .. Am C F C Escorting .. Am G And .. C G F Em D Or .. G Fmaj7 Em But .. Am C F C Em D He .. G Fmaj7 Em Nobody .. Am C F C Though .. G Fmaj7 Em And .. Am C F C So .. Am G I .. C G F Em D Maybe .. G Fmaj7 Em I .. Am C F C Em D He ... \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_\_\_ \_ \_ Glen Macon \_ \_\_ \_\_ any-net: \_ \_ \_\_ \_ Standard disclaimer... \_ \_\_\_ \_ \_ \_ Commodore doesn't endorse what I say, I do \_ \_ \_ \_ Who wants to know... \_ \_ \_ \_ \_\_\_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.