Kingdom Come (Forever And Again) - The Mission ------------------- (The piano version from the Grains Of Sand album) Comments/corrections to Or see my Mission homepage, Main Riff (Piano riff tabbed for guitar) --------- e|-0---0--0-----------------0---0--0---------------------------- B|-1---1--1--3--0-----------1---1--1--3--0--1---1--1-0---------- G|-2---2-----4--0--2--------2---2-----4--0--2---2--2-0-2--2----- D|-2---2-----------3--------2---2-----------3---3--3-2-3--3----- A|-0---0--------------------0---0----------------------5--5----- E|-------------------------------------------------------------- | Am G F Am Am G F EmDm
Chords ------ [Start with main riff] Am F Am F Desert .. Am G F G Am G F F Em Dm I .. C F C F And .. C F C F And .. Am G F Dm With .. Am G F Dm Am [with main riff] With .. [Next verse/chorus as above]