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Come Come Ye Saints by Traditional

Come Come Ye Saints chords by Traditional

Guitar chords with lyrics

D            A         G
Come, Come ye saints, no toil nor labor fear
D    Em A7      D
But with joy wend your way
D           A         G
Though hard to you this journey may appear
D     Em A7    D
Grace shall be as your day
D          A
'Tis better far for us to strive
    D             A
Our useless cares from us to drive
A7     D      A7      D (add5)
Do this and joy your hearts will swell
D   Em  A7   D
All is well, All is well!
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2.Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard?

'Tis not so, all is right.

Why sould we think to earn a great reward

If we now shun the fight?

Gird up you loins; fresh courage take

Our God will never us forsake.

And soon we'll have this tale to tell

All is well, All is well!

3.  We'll find a place which God for us prepared,

Far away in the west

Where none shall come to hurt or make afraid;

There the Saints will be blessed

We'll make the air with music ring,

Shout praises o our God and King;

Above the rest these words we'll tell

All is well, All is well!

4.  And should we die before our journey's through

Happy day! All is well!

We then are free from toil and sorrow too;

With the just we shall dwell.

But if our lives are spared again

To see the Saints their rest obtain

Oh, how we'll make this chorus swell

All is well, All is well!

Come Come Ye Saints chords

Traditional chords for Come come ye saints

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Come Come Ye Saints by Traditional guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Come Come Ye Saints" by Traditional! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Come Come Ye Saints" by Traditional with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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