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To Live Is To Die by Metallica

To Live Is To Die tab by Metallica

Guitar tabs

"To Live is to Die"  by: Metallica  (transcribed by: Michael Alford)

I will first give the following "Rhythm Figures", then list the order in
which they come.

Rhy. Fig. 1*
                               H P    **harm
*2 gtrs. arr. for 1                 **harm. on 1st string only
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
  sl.        sl.                 H P
                         (end Rhy. Fig. 1)

Rhy. Fig. 2

                            (end Rhy. Fig. 2)

Rhy. Fig. 3

 pm----------------------|     pm pm pm pm

          (end Rhy. Fig. 3)

Rhy. Fig. 4

                         (end Rhy. Fig. 4)

Rhy. Fig. 5

 pm---|  pm       pm    pm

 pm---|  pm       pm      pm

Rhy. Fig. 6
  full  ~~~~~~~ full ~~  rake full ~~~~  ~~~    ~~~~ H P sl. H P
-5' `--2---|-----6' `--3---|-x/--5' `(5)--2----------|---------------------|
                               (end Rhy. Fig.6)

Rhy. Fig. 7

  Am   E   G   E   Em  E   F F G   Am  C   G D C
  1 1 1   1 1 1   1 1 1   1 1 1   1 1 1   1 1 1
  2 8 8   2 8 8   2 8 8   4. 8 4   2 8 8   2 8 8
| -----------|--3--3-----|--0--0-----|--1--------|-----------|--3--------|
| --5--5-----|--3--3-----|--0--0-----|--1--------|--5--5-----|--3--------|
| --7--7-----|--5--5-----|--2--2-----|--3--------|--7--7-----|--5--------|
| --7--7-----|--5--5-----|--2--2-----|--3--------|--7--7-----|--5--5--3--|
| --5--5--0--|--3--3--0--|--0--0--0--|--1--1--3--|--5--5--8--|--4--------|
     pm     pm     pm    pm       pm    pm---|

        1.      || 2.
 Em    D   G        G
 1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1    1 1 R
 4. 8 8 8   4. 16 16 4    2 8 8
--0--0--0-----|--3--3--3--3-- ||--3--3-----|
--0--0--0-----|--3--3--3--3-- ||--3--3-----|
--2--2--2-----|--5--5--5--5-- ||--5--5-----|
--2--2--2--5--|--5--5--5--5-- ||--5--5-----|
--0--0--0-----|--3--3--3--3-- ||--3--3-----|
              (end Rhy. Fig. 7)

Rhy. Fig. 8
 Am          G         Em        Dm/F

 Am        G         Em        G
                            (end Rhy. Fig. 8)

Rhy. Fig. 9

 1 1   1 1
 4 2   4 4

Rhy. Fig. 1 (3-1/2 times)
Rhy. Fig. 2 (3 times)
Rhy. Fig. 3 (once)
Rhy. Fig, 2 (2 times)
Rhy. Fig. 3 (once)

Rhy. Fig.'s 2 & 4 (simultaneously, 2 times each)
Rhy. Fig. 5 (once)
Rhy. Fig.'s 2 & 6 (simultaneously, 2 times each)
Rhy. Fig. 3 (once)

Rhy. Fig. 2 (2 times) }
Rhy. Fig. 3 (once)   }-1st solo
Rhy. Fig. 2 (2 times) }

Then play:
  full   ~~~~  full   ~~~~  full  P  ~~~~  full  P  H P P
----/\---------|----/\---------|----/\-----------|--3' `(3)^0--------|----|
--5' `--2-----|--6' `--3-----|--3' `(3)^0-----|--------------------|----|

w/ Rhy. Fig. 7
  H ~~~ H  H P ~~~~~     sl.~~~~~     ~~~~~~~~

  H  ~~~~~     ~~~~~

  H   H  H P ~~~~~     ~~~~~      ~~~~~~~~

  H      ~~~~~              ~~~~~~

play Rhy. Fig. 8 alone (once), then

w/ Rhy. Fig. 8(2 times)

                 1.    || 2.    || 3.    || 4.
  ~~~~~   ~~~~~   ~~~~~   ~~~~~    ~~~~~    ~~~~~    ~~~~~
| ---------|---------|---------|--------- ||--------- ||--------- ||---------|
| ---------|---------|---------|--------- ||--------- ||--------- ||---------|
| ---------|--5------|--5------|--7------ ||--------- ||--5------ ||---------|
| --7------|---------|---------|--------- ||--5------ ||--------- ||--5------|
| ---------|---------|--7------|--8------ ||--------- ||--7------ ||---------|

w/Rhy. Fig. 8 (2 times)
  H~~~~  sl.   H P    H              P   sl.~~~ H

 sl.  sl.  sl.  H   ~~~    H P  sl. sl.  H P  ~~~ H P

 H~~~    H P    H P      sl.  ~~~   full   1/2   sl.
-------------4^5^4----|-4^5^4--4--5--7--7/9-|-7---9--9' `-|-7---/\------^--|
-5^7---7--7---------5-|---------------------|--------------|---9' `-7--5/9-|

  H~~~~      H P      H   ~~~~  H P   H P

  ~~~~    P              full
--12----12--------12--|--12--------------14' `--|

w/ Rhy. Fig. 7(1st 1/2 only, 2 times)

     H P             ~~~~   sl.~~~     ~~~~

           H~~~~ H  H P ~~~~     ~~~~     ~~~~~

  H~~~~            ~~~~       ~~~~

In the folloing, one guitar plays the chords listed above the tab, while
another plays the tab.

   60str.0 3
  A5    E G
|: 1   1 1 1    %    1   1 1 1  1  1 1 1 1    %   :|
  4.  8 8 8         4.  8 8 8  4  8 8 8 8
| --------------|-------------|-3-------3---|-------------|--^---------- |
| --7--7----7---|----7--------|-------------|-5---5-5-----|------------- |
| -----7----7---|-------------|-------------|-------------|------------- |
| --------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|------------- |

   6str. 5str.         6str.
     2 0            2 4
 B5   F# A       B5   F# G# A
 1 1  1 1 1        1  1 1 1 1  1  1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1 1 1
 8 4  8 8 8   %    4  8 8 8 8  4  8 8 8 8   8 8 8 8 8 8
  ~~~      ~~~        pm-| ~~~~~     sl.~~~~

 1 1  1 1 1    %     1   1 1 1    %       %
 8 4  8 8 8         4.  8 8 8

 B5      F#5^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 1   1 1 1  1           1     1      sl.   1
 4.  8 8 8  2.       sl.  2.    2.      ^   2.

Now, finally, the spoken part comes in. Play Rhy. Fig. 2 twice during this

Spoken part:
When a man lies, he murders some ...

F#5        G5         F#5       A5  sl.G5  sl.F#5
 1  1 1  1  1                   1  1 1   1 1
 4  4 4  8  8 sim.                2  8\8   8\8
 full        full        ful ~~       H P sl. H P
-5' `2-----------|-6' `3-----------|-5' `(5)-2-----|---------------------|
------------------|------------------|--------------2-|-2---2^4^2\1 1^2^1---|
--------4-4-4^2---|--------5 5^4^2---|------------4---|-------------------4-|

  F#5      G
  1    1   1     1   1    R 1
  2    4   2     4   4.    8 4  w/Rhy. Fig. 2(2 times)
  full   ~~~~  full   ~~~~  full  P  ~~~~
--5' `--2-----|--6' `--3-----|--3' `(3)^0-----|---------|------------|

Rhy. Fig. 9(3 times)
Rhy. Fig. 9(4 times, fading out) & Rhy. Fig. 1(once, fading in)
Rhy. Fig. 1(1-1/2 times)
Segue to "Dyer's Eve"

Greg J. Musi.................................Computing and Information Services
Systems Analyst..............................Academic Computing
E-Mail : musi+@pitt.edu......................University of Pittsburgh
Office : 110 Old Engineering Hall - Phone 624-5054

To Live Is To Die tab

Metallica tabs for To live is to die

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To Live Is To Die by Metallica guitar tabs playing instructions.

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