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One Cd Video Version by Metallica

One Cd Video Version tab by Metallica

Guitar tabs

Tablature explanation:

()  =  Ghost Note
 x  =  Muffled Note
 PM =   Palm Mute
 ~  =  Vibrato
 h  =  Hammer On
 p  =  Pull Off
 T  =  Tap (using edge of the pick)
 /  =  Slide up the neck
 b  =  Bend the string to note desired
 r  =  Release bend to original note

Where tablatures are tied (connected), there are 2 or
more guitars to be played at
the same time. ** Listen to original song to get
better understanding.
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

"ONE"  by: Metallica (Video and CD version)
As heard on "...And Justice For All"
Video: "Two of One"

(begins with gunfires and battlefield sound for 22
seconds until play)
(background) James: "C’mon let’s go! Getchur ass outta
this place! C’mon! Let’s go!
Move it! Move it! Move it! Move it! Move it!
[Unintelligible Screams]

Electric Clean
Riff A


Riff B (play twice)


Electric Clean
Solo A (play parallel to Riff B)








Riff C
Both guitars are played parallel for the correct
Upper tablature played with electric clean guitar
Lower tablature played with nylon string acoustic
|           |            |

|            | 			|			|

|			|			|		  |

            Riff D
			Both guitars are played parallel for the correct
			Upper tablature played with electric clean guitar
			Lower tablature played with nylon string acoustic
|            |            |

|           |           |


|            |            |



|           |           |


Riff E (played twice)
Both guitars are played parallel for the correct
Upper tablature played with electric clean guitar
Lower tablature played with nylon string acoustic
|           |            |

|           |            |

|            |            |

Riff F
Played with Heavy Distortion

Riff D
Riff E
Riff F

Solo B
Played parallel to Riff D (played twice)




  T     T     T     T     T

  T       T

Riff G


Riff H
All 3 guitar parts are played simultaneously.**
Guitars are played with heavy distortion with lib.
     PM...  PM....     PM PM    PM PM
|            |       |       |
|            |       |       |
I (played twice)
           PM........      PM  PM
      PM  PM

          PM..........   PM.........

  PM.........   PM..........   PM.........

  PM.........    PM.........    PM.........

  PM.........    PM.........    PM.........

  PM..........  PM.........    PM.........

  PM.........  PM..........  PM....

  PM.........   PM.............  PM...

 T     T    T    T    T    T
 T    T

 T     T    T    T    T    T
 T    T

 T     T    T    T    T    T
 T    T

 T     T    T    T    T    T
 T    T

 T     T    T    T    T    T
 T    T

 T     T    T    T    T    T
 T    T

 T    T   T   T   T   T   T   T  T
  T  T  T











| PM..     PM..

 different notation : ^ := bend 1 fret up; v :=
release 1 fret

 PM...........|    PM...|	  PM...|

| PM..............


 PM..........   PM.............  PM...


Played with two guitars









Play 4 times
  PM.........   PM.............  PM...

  PM........  PM...    PM...  PM...

  PM.........   PM.............  PM....

 PM........   PM...    PM...  PM...

Play 4 times
  PM.........        PM...  PM...

 PM..........        PM..   PM..    PM..

  PM.........   PM.............  PM....

One Cd Video Version tab

Metallica tabs for One cd video version

What Is This?

One Cd Video Version by Metallica guitar tabs playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "One Cd Video Version" by Metallica! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "One Cd Video Version" by Metallica with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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