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Leper Messiah by Metallica

Leper Messiah bass tab by Metallica

Bass tabs

From the album "MASTER OF PUPPETS"

               "LEPER MESSIAH"


Tabbed by Maf

Important Note: each - symbol is a 1/16 note.

p=pause     |---|      |---|
P=pull off   |-4-| 4/4 BEAT  |-3-| 3/4 BEAT etc.
H=hammer on   |-4-|      |-4-|
S=slide     |---|      |---|

|-----|            |-----------|
|-----|            |-----------|
|--%--| Repeat Last Beat   |2-1-3------| Triplet
|-----|            |-----------|
                \ 3 /
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -



          P    P    P    P  H




 1st, 2nd Verses
  P    P    P    P    S    S    S    S  S

  P    P    P    P    S    S    S    S  S


     S    S    S        S    S    S

     S    S    S        S    S    S

 S    S    S    S


                 \3/          \3/   \3/   \3/






Guitar Solo
Triplet Feel 0-0- = 0---0-
           \ 3 /


                          End of Triplet Feel








|----------------|----------------|----------------|----3 BEATS-----||




If you got questions or Dream Theater bass Tabs please write me!


Leper Messiah bass tab

Metallica bass tabs for Leper messiah Leper Messiah by Metallica guitar bass tabs playing instructions.

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