Metal Church "Metal Church" from METAL CHURCH (1984) Tabbed by Nick S. I'm not gonna say what's palm-muted in this tab 'cause if you plan to learn the song you should already know that. Fig. 1 twice G--------6-------------6-------------6----5----------- D-5-5-5--4------5-5-5--4------5-5-5--4----3---5-5-5--- A-3-3-3---------3-3-3---------3-3-3--4----3---3-3-3--- The 2nd time there's some tremolo action and other stuff played with it. A little feedback after the second time before riff 2 Fig. 2 6x D-5--------------6-5-4-5---------------- A-3-333333333333-4-3-2-3-333333333333---
Fig. 1 once Fig. 2 6x Fig. 3 4x D-5---8---5---3--3/5----5---8-------- A-3---6---3---1--1/3----3---6----6--- E--------------------------------4--- Fig. 4 4x Gtr. 1 B-8--9--8--6--8--6---------------------8--9--8--- G-------------------8--7--5---5--7--8------------ Gtr. 2 E-3--4--3--1--3--1---------------------3--4--3--- B-------------------4--3--1---1--3--4------------ These are both the exact same notes so I just assumed that Kurdt and Craig played them both ways. I play gtr. 2 'cause it's easier to play it fast that way. Fig. 5a 3x A-3----5--------------3----6---- E-1----3--------------1----4---- Fig. 4 8x Fig. 5b twice A-3----5------5------5------5------5------5---3----6------6------6------6- E-1----3--333-3--333-3--333-3--333-3--333-3---1----4--444-4--444-4--444-4- A-----6------6--- E-444-4--444-4--- then play: D----------------8--- A-3----5----3----6--- E-1----3----1----6--- then play F5 and G5 Any questions, corrections blah blah blah send me an E-mail w/ the subj. "Metal Church tabs." Also I would really appreciate some feedback. Keep checking back for more tabs.