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Time Waits For No One by Freddie Mercury

Time Waits For No One chords by Freddie Mercury

Guitar chords with lyrics


G   D/F#   Em G
Time, waits for nobody

C   Am     D
Time, waits for nobody

       G        Bm
We all must plan our hopes together

       Em       G
Or we'll have no more future at all

C C#  D     G     C G Gm Am D
Ti______me, waits for nobody
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Verse 1:

  G        Am         G
We might as well be deaf and dumb and blind

  B7        C Am
I know that sounds unkind

    C        D
But it seems to me we've not listened to

   Bm       E
Or spoken about it at all

E7       A7            D
The fact that time is running out for us all


D   D     Em
Time, waits for nobody

Am    C    D
Time, waits for no-one

        G        Bm
We've got to build this world together

     Em         G
Or we'll have no more future at all

     C C# D       G     Am Gm Am7 D
Because ti____me - it waits for nobody

Verse 2:

G            Am7
You don't need me to tell you

What's gone wrong

   B7        C Am
You know what's going on

     C         D
But it seems to me we've not cared enough

    Bm7          E7
Or confided in each other at all

It seems that we've all got our backs

       D7  C
Against the wall


Bb     Gm     A
Time, waits for nobody

Dm F       G
Time, waits for no one

       C       G
We've got to trust in one another

         Am       C
Or we'd have no more future at all


     F F#m G
Because ti____me

Waits for nobody

Waits for nobody

Dm D      G
Time waits for no one

         C        G
Best not to be friends with one another

     Am         C
Or we'd have no more future at all

F F# G     C    Dm7
Ti____me waits for nobody



Dm7  G

For no one

Time Waits For No One chords

Freddie Mercury chords for Time waits for no one

What Is This?

Time Waits For No One by Freddie Mercury guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the chords guide for "Time Waits For No One" by Freddie Mercury! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Time Waits For No One" by Freddie Mercury with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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