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Someday The Rains Will Fall by John Mellencamp

Someday The Rains Will Fall chords by John Mellencamp

Guitar chords with lyrics

Someday the rains will fall
by John Mellencamp



Someday the rains will fall
When you expect it least
am           em
Someday the rains will fall

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2 x Refrain

C                  em
When I first come down here from the country
C            em
Came to the fork in the road
C      em
One way went nowhere
D                 em
And the other, it carried a heavy load

2 x Refrain

C                     em
Your eyes and mind are always looking for trouble
C            em
What if it permeates the brain?
C           em
Try to take a shortcut home
D                   em
And you end up back where you started again

2 x Refrain

C                    em
Hurry down the alley with another man's woman
C                      em
You don't care nothing about the ring on her hand
C              em
You think surely you can get away
D            em
And sometimes maybe you can

2 x Refrain

C                em
You're all just a bunch of lousy liars
C           em
Never seen a hypocrite before
C                 em
Then you would love to judge each other
D               em
But hypocrites we are forever more

2 x Refrain

C             em
So we jiggle up the horse race
C           em
Oh man, that desire to win
C          em
Keeps our bellies so hungry
D                em
And we all want to repent in the end

Someday The Rains Will Fall chords

John Mellencamp chords for Someday the rains will fall

What Is This?

Someday The Rains Will Fall by John Mellencamp guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the chords guide for "Someday The Rains Will Fall" by John Mellencamp! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Someday The Rains Will Fall" by John Mellencamp with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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