R.O.C.K. IN THE U.S.A. ---------------------- Very easy - the basic chord pattern is E A D A (open chords) Generally, the strumming pattern (I think) is two downstrokes on the beat for each chord and then change to the next chord with an upstroke on the change. The only exceptions are replacing the E chord of the sequence with a B chord at the end of the chorus (which I don't usually bother doing - the E chord sounds fine). Also, use only a single downstroke and no upstroke in the first verse for each word in "crack, boom, bam". Anyway, it goes something like this:
(Fast rock beat) E A D A E A D A They .. E A D A E A D A beat .. CHORUS E A D A R. O.. E A D A R. O.. E A D A B R. O.. (no chord) E A D A etc, for a few more bars Rockin'. - The remainder of the song follows the same pattern: VERSE (no chord) >Chorus verse (no chord) (spoken) Rockin' in the USA. Hey! >Chorus (repeat and fade) ===============================================================================