"Till tomorrow" from the album "American pie" by Don McLean This is kind of relaxing tune and rather simple to play. Note the tuning (Open bE) The rythme may be a bit tricky at first, but keep at it... There are alot of violins in the tune which makes it hard to hear the guitar in some parts, but this sounds correct. Try it and see, tell me what you think. Listen to the album otherwise this TAB is useless. The lyrics follow after the TAB... Have fun!
Methode for tuning to open bE quickly: The g string (3rd) is the only string that remains the same from standard tuning. This string is used as a starting point. Follow the steps below in the listed order. The string on the left hand side of the equals sign (=) is string to be tuned. The string on the right hand side is the referance note. Tuning: 2nd string = 3rd string, 3rd fret (tune down) 1st string = 2nd string, 5th fret (tune down) 6th string = 1st string (tune down) 5th string = 6th string, 7th fret (tune up) 4th string = 5th string, 5th fret (tune up) Till tomorrow. Intro: Verse: bE |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| bB |-----0-------0-|-------0-------0-------0-------0-------0-------0------| G |-----0-------1-|-------0-------1-------0-------1-------0-------1--etc-| #D |-----------0---|-----0-------0-------0-------0-------0-------0--------| #A |---0-----2-----|---0-------2-------0-------2-------0-------2----------| bE |-0-----0-------|-0-------0-------0-------0-------0-------0------------| Chorus 1: bE -----------------------------------------------------------------------| bB --2---------2---------2---------2--------0--------4--------------------| G --0----0----0----0----0----0----0--------1--------3--------------------| #D --0----4----0----4----0----4----0------0---0----2---2------------------| #A --2---------2---------2---------2-------------0------------------------| bE -------4---------4---------4---------2---------------------------------| Chorus 2: bE -----------------------------------------------------------------------| bB -2------0---4----2------0---4----2------0---4----2------0--------4-----| G -0--0-0---0---0--0--0-0---0---0--0--0-0---0---0--0------1--------3-----| #D -0--4------------0--4------------0--4------------0----0---0----2---2---| #A -2---------------2---------------2---------------2-----------0---------| bE ----4---------------4---------------4---------------2------------------| The high e and b (bE & bB) are faintly heard in the verse. The bass strings are the most important. After every chorus the intro is played once. The xylohone part for guitar (At the end) For playing the song with two guitarists. bE --4--2--0-----------------(0)- bB -----------2--0-------0------- G ------------------------------ #D -------------------0---------- #A -----2------------------------ bE --0-----------0--------------- Till tomorrow 1.Verse What can this be - can .... 1.Chorus Where has all the love .... 2.Verse And when they're gone, .... 2.Chorus High above the ... 3.Verse What can this be - .... Guitar part and lyrics transcribed by: Lee Francis Wilhelmsen francis@GRIBB.hsr.no francis@hsr.no 19(C)94.