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Little Willow by Paul McCartney

Little Willow tab by Paul McCartney

Guitar tabs

^ÓLittle Willow^Ô
Written and Performed by Paul McCartney
(Flaming Pie ^Ö 1997)
Tabbed by Lindsay Stamhuis (macca05@beatlemail.com)

This is my first shot at tabbing, but I think I did a fairly good job! This
song was already archived (by Phil Callan) but it was only the chords, so I
listened very closely to the song to get the finger-picking to sound right.
The chords below are all what he came up with, except in his tab, the Em/D
was written as Asus4 ^Ö I think the way I^Òve written it is the correct way,
his was just one string off.

For the sake of efficiency, I^Òm only going to tab the first and second
verses and the chorus, because it^Òs very repetitious. The basic structure
goes like this:
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
-Verse 1
-Verse 2
-Verse 3 (same as verse 1)
-Verse 4 (same as verse 1)
-Instrumental 1 (same as verse 2)
-Verse 1
-Verse 2
-Instrumental 2



   D	 Em/D	  D    Em/D

Verse 1:
   D	 Em/D	  D    Em/D  D	  Em/D  D   	 Em/D

   Bend...     winds...    hard and cold tonight

Verse 2:
   D	 Em/D	  D    Em/D 	 D	  Em/D  D    D7

   Life...     Nobody...    Willow, hold on tight

   G    G     A    A    A    A     D    D

   Nothing^Òs... shake...    Take...    a- way...

   G    G     A    A    A    A     D

   No one^Òs...  break...   It only...     way, hey

Verse 3 (same as verse 1)

Sleep, little ...
Peace, little ...
Time will heal...

Verse 4 (same as verse 1)

Grow to the ...
Now and ...
Always came ...

Verse 1 (Instrumental - with ^Ólittle willow^Ô and ^Óah^Òs^Ô in the background)


Verse 1

Verse 2

Verse 1 (Instrumental)

Any questions or comments, please e-mail me!

Little Willow tab

Paul McCartney tabs for Little willow

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Little Willow by Paul McCartney guitar tabs playing instructions.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Little Willow" by Paul McCartney with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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