Intro (G) (Em) (Cadd9) (G) (Em) (Cadd9) Verse 1 I p(G)ut my foot down (Em)on a luna (Cadd9)moth (D)In the bathroom (Em)at your (Cadd9)party You sc(G)reamed into (Em)my terry(Cadd9)cloth I s(G)aid that I was (Em)so--r(Cadd9)ry You fo(G)und me with a d(Em)oor l(Cadd9)ocked I o(D)nly went ups(Em)tairs to(Cadd9) cry I came o(G)ver here to(Bm) be (Cadd9)alone N(D)ot to kill your th(F)ings that (Em)fly Chorus I (Cadd9)don't need anyone (G)to hurt (D)me I (Em)can do t(Am)hat (Cadd9)myself I (Cadd9)don't see why you wo(G)uld want (D)me If I c(Em)ould I would be a(Cadd9)nybody else Interlude (G) (Bm) (Cadd9) (D) (Em) (Cadd9) Verse 2 Put a ne(G)edle through a (Bm)luna (Cadd9)moth (Through a luna moth) The o(G)ne I crushed and l(Em)et you (Cadd9)down I le(G)ft it on your (Bm)doo--(Cadd9)rstep B(D)ut I didn't s(Em)tick a(Cadd9)round (But I didn't stick around) To watch you s(G)mile at an (Bm)ugly (Cadd9)thing (G) To try to e(Em)ase my g(Cadd9)uilt Watch you lo(G)oking at a b(Bm)roken (Cadd9)wing (G) Like it could (F)be reb(Em)uilt Chorus I (Cadd9)don't need anyone (G)to hurt (D)me I (Em)can do t(Am)hat (Cadd9)myself I (Cadd9)don't see why you wo(G)uld want (D)me If I c(Em)ould I would be a(Cadd9)nybody else If I c(Em)ould I would be a(Cadd9)nybody ?lse (Em) (Cadd9)