"Halloween" by the Dave Matthews Band, released on "Recently" EP and "Before These Crowded Streets" transcribed by Brian Cieszynski Fig I -repeats all through the main body of the song E----------------------:| B----------------------:| G----------------------:| D------3---9-/-10--10--:| A----------------------:| E--1---1---7-/-8---8---:| (sl.) Chorus- I took this chorus from the "Recently" EP because I can actually figure out what on earth Dave is saying on that version.
Am G "Watch.. F E Am I come .. G F We'll .. E Am I .. Am Bm "Why .. Am Bm Just .. Am Bm Just .. Am Bm Just .. Chords Am G F E Bm E--------------------| B--------------------| G--------------------| D-7--5--3--2--9------| A-7--5--3--2--9------| E-5--3--1--0--7------| Questions/comments, feel free to email me at Spitfire@ods.ods.net
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Halloween by Dave Matthews Band