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Close In The Distance by Masayoshi Soken

Close In The Distance chords by Masayoshi Soken

Guitar chords with lyrics

Key: G

🎸 Intro:
G Em C C
G Em C C

🎸 Verse 1:

G         Em           C
Whispers, falling silently, drift on the wind
But I hear you
  G       Em         C
Our journey, now a memory fading from sight
But I see you
 G      Em          C
Unbroken promises we made so long ago
You're still here
 G      Em        C
Unspoken requiem for a river of tears
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   C        D      C
Flowing, winding, to one eternal sea
   D       C
And yet a hope remains
    D        C
Guiding, lighting the way
No time for mourning

🎸 Verse 2:

G     Em           C
Rises on a mem'ry born from the ashes
With the heavens
  G         Em            C
To sunset, blood-red skies tranquil after the storm
Blеssed shadow

  C         D         C
Turning, wending, always night follows day
   D        C
The sun will shinе again
    D       C
Walk on, never look back
Through you, we live

🎸 Chorus:

      C    D    Em   D
Tales of loss and fire and faith
    C      D     Em  D
Every word on our hearts engraved
    C    D      Em   D
In the dark you will not stray
     C      D     Em  D
Forge ahead 'til the end, we pray

🎸 Outro:
C Bm A# A
G#m G F#m F#

Close In The Distance chords

Masayoshi Soken chords for Close in the distance

What Is This?

Close In The Distance by Masayoshi Soken guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Close In The Distance" by Masayoshi Soken! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Close In The Distance" by Masayoshi Soken with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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