ALBUM "Natural Mystic" Song Name : "Easy Skanking" Words and Music by the "king" Bob Marley.... If anybody have some good Bob tablature, some corrections or whatever, please send it to me.... Hope you'll enjoy playing..... CHORDS: eBGDAE eBGDAE Bb 133311 or 667xxx Gm 333553 or 333xxx Eb 688866 or 688xxx Dm 567755 or 567xxx
** INTRO: Bb Easy.. Gm Easy .. (2 times) ** VERSE: Bb Excuse.. Gm Oh God.. Bb >From .. Gm That's .. ** CHORUS Bb Take .. Gm Lord .. Bb Take .. Gm Got to ..... ** BRIDGE Eb Dm We're .. Eb Dm We're.. Eb Dm Taking .. Eb Dm Got.. Bb Take .. Gm Lord .. Bb Could .. Gm Got to.. ** VERSE 2: ** CHORUS: ** BRIDGE: Tell .. Honey . Herb for.. Honey .. I'll... ** THE END: Take.. Take .. Take .. Take .. That's All Folks!