Here are the chords for the song Dope Hat by Marilyn Manson. It is off of Portrait of an American Family. Dope Hat is a groovy tune that makes my feet soak. Intro Slide down to F#5 A5 F#5 C5 B5 F#5 THEN SOME DUDE SAYS SOME INTERESTING THINGS Then slide down to F#5 C#5 C5 B5 I .. I .. the .. but .. fail ..
THEN THERE IS A SOLO KIND OF THING. ANYTHING YOU PLAY PRETTY MUCH SOUNDS RIGHT. I AM JUST A PIECE. THE MAIN RIFF PLAYS THROUGH IT. I .. I .. The .. but .. seem .. it's .. THEN WE HAVE F#5 A5 F#5 C5 B5 Fail .. Turn .. B5 G5 B5 G5 My .. C#5 A5 C#5 A5 But .. THEN SLIDE DOWN WHILE STRUMMING. My .. It's .. My .. the .. stars .. They .. If .. the .. THEN THERE IS ANOTHER SOLO TYPE THING HERE. I DIDN'T FIGURE IT OUT SO NOW YOU SHALL SUFFER. LIKE, DROP YOUR GUITAR AND DANCE ON IT AND IT MIGHT SOUND RIGHT. MAYBE NOT... Fail .. Turn .. My .. but .. Eb5 B5 Eb5 B5 Chicanery.. F5 C#5 F5 C#5 But .. There it is. The great song called Dope Hat. Sometimes I like to listen to it while I eat food. That is when I enjoy it the least, though. Mostly I like to stick it. If you have any questions e-mail me and I will answer all of them. This might have come out cruddy and that would smell badly. Chris Peters
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Dope Hat by Marilyn Manson