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Wise Up by Aimee Mann

Wise Up chords by Aimee Mann

Guitar chords with lyrics

{T: Wise Up}
{st: Aimee Mann}
{album: the Magnolia Soundtrack}
transcribed by damian carroll dcarroll69@hotmail.com

Somebody requested this song. It's written for piano, but it sounds nice
fingerpicked/strummed on a classical guitar. Enjoy.

First, the piano chords:

D/G (Repeat)

   D/G  D/G  Bm  G  D
It's not what...
  D/G  D/G  Bm  G  E
You got what...
   G  E  G  E7  G  E  G  E7  D  A   C
It's not going...
   G     D/G (Repeat)
'Til you...
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
(Second verse, same as the first)

G     E
Prepare... Before...
      E  etc...
'Cause it's not...


Here's how I play it on guitar:

First, put a Capo on the third fret! Then play:

   B/E  B/E  G#m  E  B
It's not...
  B/E  B/E  G#m  E  C#
You got...
   E  C#  E  C#7
It's not... (Repeat)
   B  F#  A  E
It's not...


  E    C#
Prepare... Before...

Guitar chords:

B/E = 024442
G#m = 466444
E  = 022100
B  = X24442
C# = X46664
C#7 = X46464
A  = X02220

this file is all my own work

Wise Up chords

Aimee Mann chords for Wise up

What Is This?

Wise Up by Aimee Mann guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the chords guide for "Wise Up" by Aimee Mann! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Wise Up" by Aimee Mann with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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