Tuning:standard This is a simplified version. Intro / Riff 1 x2 x2 E|--------|------------------------------|-5-----------2-----------0----|------------------------------| B|--------|-7-----------7-----------5----|------------------------------|-5-----------5-----------3----| G|--------|-----7-----------7------------|-----0-----------0------------|-----5-----------5------------| D|--------|------------------------------|-0-------0---0-------0---0----|------------------------------| A|--------|-5-------5---4-------4---0----|------------------------------|-3-------3---2-------2---0----| E|--------|------------------------------|------------------------------|------------------------------| D
G D We meet again A G Riding our divisible bodies Bm Fm# Feel no shame G D Luck is love is on G D If you need the pain A G Well you are, yes you are so much like me Bm Fm# G D Seasons change--nothing lasts for long G D Except the earth and the mountains G D Riff 1 So learn to sing along and languish here Help me languish here ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************************************