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In Comes The Flood by Machine Head

In Comes The Flood tab by Machine Head

Guitar tabs

Band:  Machine Head
Song:  In Comes The Flood
Album: Bloodstone And Diamonds (2014)
Tuning: Drop B (B, F#, B, E, G#, C#)

Machine Head don't play in Drop B precisely... They are tuned to
Drop B but then tuned up 40 cents sharper... So even though not possible
it's kind of like they're playing in Drop B# (Between Drop B and C)

On a Korg tuner it would look something like this

50              x 50#
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
The 'x' indicates where your tuning should be

Also comment, correct, and please, please rate!!!

Guitar 1:    Robb Flynn
Guitar 2:    Phil Demmel
Guitar 3:    Harmony

Tabbing 🏷Legend
Hammer on:     h
Pull off:      p
Slide up:      /
Slide down:     \
Natural Harmonic:  NH
Pinch Harmonic:   PH
Bend:        BU(?)
Whammy Bar Rise:  WBR
Whammy Bar Lower:  WBL
Whammy Bar Vibrato: WB~~~
Tremelo Pick:    Tr---
Tapped note:    T
Trill:       tr (rapid hammer on?s and pull off?s)
Muted note:     M
Palm Mute:     PM---
Killswitch:     K (can use bridge selector)
Quick bend:     ^
Pick Slide:     X\\\
Whammy Pedal:    +


Both guitars





Post-chorus riff
Guitar 1                          PM------
|Guitar 2


Verse 1
Both guitars                        PM------
||-----------------------------------------------------------------|| x3

Guitar 1                         PM------
|Guitar 2


Verse 2
Both guitars
    PM-----   PM-------------   PM-----   PM-------------


Guitar 1
|Guitar 2
|  PM-----------  PM-----------


Repeat Chorus


Post-chorus riff (Harmonised)
Guitar 1                          PM------
|Guitar 2


Repeat Verse 1

Repeat Verse 2

Repeat Pre-chorus

Repeat Chorus

Repeat Post-chorus riff (Harmonised)


Both guitars        PM------
||---------------------------------|| x3


Both guitars





Solo (Phil Demmel)
Guitar 1 (Rhythm)
 PM-----   PM   PM   PM   PM   PM   PM   PM
|Guitar 2 (Lead)

Guitar 1 (Rhythm)
 PM-----   PM   PM   PM   PM   PM   PM   PM
|Guitar 2 (Lead)

Guitar 1 (Rhythm)
 PM-----   PM   PM   PM   PM   PM   PM   PM
|Guitar 2 (Lead)

Guitar 1 (Rhythm)
|Guitar 2 (Lead)

Guitar 2 (Lead con?t)



Hold the bend whilst tapping
       T    T    T    T    T







Guitar 2
|Guitar 3

Guitar 2
           Using octave pedal
|Guitar 3


Spoken Verse
Both guitars


Guitar 1
|Guitar 2 (strum all notes in fours)

Guitar 1
|Guitar 2 (strum all notes in fours)

Guitar 1
|Guitar 2


Repeat Chorus until fade


That's all guys please rate :)

In Comes The Flood tab

Machine Head tabs for In comes the flood

What Is This?

In Comes The Flood by Machine Head guitar tabs playing instructions.

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Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "In Comes The Flood" by Machine Head! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "In Comes The Flood" by Machine Head with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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