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Sway It Hula Girl by 小野リサ

Sway It Hula Girl chords by 小野リサ

Guitar chords with lyrics

Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

    C  Am      Dm  G7
Noite de luar, a brisa feito o mar
    C   Am     Dm   G7
Eu no teu olhar, uma estrela no céu
    F    E      Am   D7
Sinto seu desejo ao querer o meu beijo
   Dm   G7    C
E na hula uma lua de mel

     C   Am   Dm   G7
Os meus pés no chão, e a sedução
     C  Am      Dm   G7
Da flor encravada, nos cabelos em trança
     F    E     Am   D7
Os balanços nos braços, como aves suaves
   Dm  G7    C
Batendo as asas na dança
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E      B7     E
Danço a hula huki e o cha-cha-cha
    B7   E
Sou estrela no céu
D        G    D
Vem tocar meu corpo sensual
  D       G7
Quero ouvir você chamar

    C  Am      Dm  G7
Ao te ver dançar, deixo o meu olhar,
    C   Am      Dm    G7
Preso ao teu olhar, como estrela no céu
    F    E      Am   D7
Sinto seu desejo ao querer o meu beijo
 Dm    G7   C
Contigo dançar hula girl


    C  Am      Dm  G7
I have seen you dance, a long time ago
    C   Am      Dm    G7
To my favorite song, so graceful and slow
    F      E     Am    D7
Every movement you made is an artist's delight
    Dm     G7         C
As you paint your songs through your dance

E      B7     E
Danço a hula huki e o cha-cha-cha
    B7   E
Sou estrela no céu
D        G      D
Lay lay wait for me if you please
  D       G7
Quero ouvir você cantar

     C  Am      Dm  G7
Sway it Hula Girl, sway it all around
    C    Am       Dm   G7
Sway it side to side, then you dip way down
     F    E      Am      D7
Hold your head up high as you reach for the sky
      Dm   G7    C
As you sway side to side Hula Girl

Sway It Hula Girl chords

小野リサ chords for Sway it hula girl

What Is This?

Sway It Hula Girl by 小野リサ guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Sway It Hula Girl" by 小野リサ! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Sway It Hula Girl" by 小野リサ with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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