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Christmas Dreaming by Laufey

Christmas Dreaming chords by Laufey

Guitar chords with lyrics

  • Difficulty: Advanced

Key: Bb

🎄 Intro:

Bb   |Cm7  |F7  |Bb/F#   :

🎄 Verse 1: 0:09
Bb BbM7        Bb
I'm doing my Christmas dreaming
     Dm7  Dbm7 Cm7  F7
A little ear-ly this year
No sign of snow around
F7      BbM7   Gm7
  And yet I go around
    C7             Cm7  F7
Hearing jingle bells ringing in my ear
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
🎄 Verse 2: 0:42
   BbM7/F#  BbM7    Bb6 Bb
Your promise  must be the rea-son
  A   Dm7/A Bb7   EbM7  EbM7 ^
Our ha-ppy sea-son  is here
    EbM7   Cm7       Bb    G7
So I'm do---ing  my Christmas dreaming
 Gm7  Cm7 Cm  F7   BbM7
A little ear-ly   this year

🎄 Instrumental: 1:17
Bb  BbM7|Bb6  Bb |Dm7/A  |Cm7 F7 :
F  F7 |Cm7  F7 |BbM7 Bb :

🎄 Outro: 1:39
Gm7   C7             Cm7  F7
Hearing jingle bells ringing in my ear
   BbM7/F#  BbM7    Bb6 Bb
Your promise  must be the rea-son
     Dm/A   Bb7  Eb    Bb/F#
The happy sea son   is here
    Eb     Ebm        Bb/F# Bb
So I'm  doing   my Christmas  dream-ing
Gm7  G7   Cm7  F7   BbM7
  A little ear-ly  this year
  Bb/F# Bb*    BbM7*   Bb6*
The happy season is here

* Single Strum

EbM7   x68786
EbM7 ^  x68766 is really a EbM7sus2 but wasn't highlighting.
Dbm7   xx0100

Christmas Dreaming chords

Laufey chords for Christmas dreaming

What Is This?

Christmas Dreaming by Laufey guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the guide for the experienced musicians looking to master the song Christmas Dreaming by Laufey. This page is specifically designed for musicians who have moved far beyond the basics and are ready to really challenge themselves with learing to play this song using our chords.

Why This Page Is Perfect for You?

As an advanced level guitarist, you've already built a very solid foundation of skills and are ready to elevate your playing to the legend level!

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Christmas Dreaming" by Laufey with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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