Hi all I've been playing guitar for fifteen years and I was listening to this song and over the tab that everyone has done. First I would like to say thanks to all who tabbed this, it was a great start. sitting down with the song for the past few days I knoticed something was off in the origional tab and that it was in drop D tuning and there were some errors in the single note piking in the intro and the first vese. I these and have posted this revised tab. I hope this helps everyone and this is the first time I've posted a I usually correct them and kep them for myself, but this is too beautiful of a song not to release the revised especially with it being Christmas time. Enjoy all happy playing and Merry Christmas. Jason Chapman (Lead guitarist and vocalist for Fearless Faith)
Intro: E ---------------------------------------| B ---3----3----1----0--------------------| G --0----2----2----2----X2---------------| D -2----0----2----1----------------------| A ---------------------------------------| D ---------------------------------------| Verse 1: E ------------------------------------------------| B ---3---3---1---0--------------------------------| G --0---2---2---2--X2-Then--5---------------------| D -2---0---2---1------------3-0-5-4-2-7-9---------|(listen for timing) A --------------------------3-0-5-4-2-7-9---------| real simple D ----------------------------0-5-4-2-7-9---------| Verse 2: E --------10--------------------------------------| B -8-8-8-8--8-8-8-8-12-8-8-8-8-10-7-7-7-7---------| X2 G --9-9-9----9-9-9------9-9-9------9-9-9-9--------| D ------------------------------------------------| A ------------------------------------------------| D ------------------------------------------------| Verse 2 (cont'd)...did you know... E ----------------------------------| B ----------------------------------| G -5--------------------------------| D -5-0-5-4-2-7-9--------------------|(listen for timing again) A -3-0-5-4-2-7-9--------------------| D ---0-5-4-2-7-9--------------------| Pre-bridge (just repeat intro one time) Bridge E ---------------------------------------------| B ---------------------------------------------| G -5---------5-7-------------------------------| D -5-0-5-4-2-5-7-7-9---------------------------| A -3-0-5-4-2-3-5-7-9---------------------------| D ---0-5-4-2-----7-9---------------------------| Verse 3 E --------10--------------------------------------| B -8-8-8-8--8-8-8-8-12-8-8-8-8-10-7-7-7-7---------| X2 G --9-9-9----9-9-9------9-9-9------9-9-9-9--------| D ------------------------------------------------| A ------------------------------------------------| D ------------------------------------------------| Verse 3 (cont'd)...did you know... E ----------------------------------| B ----------------------------------| G -5--------------------------------| D -5-0-5-4-2-7-9--------------------|(listen for timing again) A -3-0-5-4-2-7-9--------------------| D ---0-5-4-2-7-9--------------------| Verse 4 E -------------------------------------| B -------------------------------------| G -5-------------4---------------------| D -5-0-5-4-2-7-2-4-2~------------------|(listen for timing again) A -3-0-5-4-2-7-2-2-2~------------------|
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Mary Did You Know by Kutless