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Stillness Of Heart by Lenny Kravitz

Stillness Of Heart tab by Lenny Kravitz

Guitar tabs

>From the album 'Lenny'

Tabbed by Michael Coetzee

Any comments and suggestions are welcome.

Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

This song is in the key of Bb, and uses the chords of Bb, F, Eb,
and C.

Riff A:

This is the opening and between-verse riff, and is the only riff
used in the song. Distorted guitar.


Repeat the riff 4x. After this the verse follows:

Bb   F  or  F   Eb

6   8    1   6    E
8   8    3   6    A
8   10    3   8    D
7   10    4   8    G
6   10    1   8    B
6   x    1   x    E


I'm out...

... keep trying


Now the chorus... the chorus follows the pattern of Bb, F, C, Eb,
all played as eighth-note power chords. With distortion.

  Bb     F      C      Eb
|------|  |------|  |------|  |------|
|------|  |------|  |------|  |------|
|------|  |------|  |------|  |------|
|------|  |--10--|  |------|  |---8--|
|--8---|  |---8--|  |--10--|  |---6--|
|--6---|  |------|  |---8--|  |------|

Bb     F
All...  ...want

   Eb Bb



...the dark

...your heart

Now Riff A 2x, verse, chorus, then bridge:

Alternate between power chords F and C :

C    F    C
What... living

    F  C
  F     C


Solo time... F minor pentatonic works fine.

Now just repeat the chorus until fade.

NOTE : All chord change times are approximate, listen to the
song to hear the exact moments at which chord changes take

Stillness Of Heart tab

Lenny Kravitz tabs for Stillness of heart

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Stillness Of Heart by Lenny Kravitz guitar tabs playing instructions.

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Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "Stillness Of Heart" by Lenny Kravitz! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Stillness Of Heart" by Lenny Kravitz with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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