Leo Kottke's Pamela Brown (album: Ice Water) was requested recently. The song was actually written by the great Tom T. Hall - a fine story telling kinda player. I'm sure the words are close - and most of the chords too. I'm not too happy about the D7 in the chorus but then I remember that guys like T.T.Hall just don't use tough chords. This is the key I sing it in. If I've missed a verse or something then I'll actually find the album (lost alphabetical order during last move ...) and check it. Pamela Brown Tom T. Hall ============
G / C / G / / I'm .. C G G D An .. G / C / G / / Wonder .. C D G Probably ... Chorus: C / D / G I .. C / G / G D7 D All .. C D G C One .. G C D G And .. G / C / G / / Seen .. C / G G D Been .. G / C G Seems .. C D G She ... Chorus: Interlude: Chorus: [slower] G C G G I don't .. C G G D Everything .. G C G Lord.. C D G C Especially .... Chorus: ======================================================================
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Pamela Brown by Leo Kottke