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Look Whats Waiting For Me by The Kingsmen

Look Whats Waiting For Me chords by The Kingsmen

Guitar chords with lyrics

  • Difficulty: Intermediate

🎸 Intro:


🎸 Verse 1:
D             D7   G     G
In this world I don't have much in silver or gold
  D               E7     A
my house is just a cabin, by the side of the road.
  D           D7    G
But I've been adopted in a Kings family
      G       D           A7     D
and when I move up to my new home, look what's waiting for me.
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

🎸 Chorus:
D  D7  G      D
Heaven, is waiting for me Such beauty and splendor
eyes have never seen.
D  D7   G        D      D  G  D
Jesus, his sweet face I'll see I don't have much here
A      D
but look what's waiting for me.

Key change before 2nd verse, modulate to Eb (Bb-Eb)

🎸 Verse 2:
Bb  Eb              Ab     Eb
I'll reside up in a mansion, by a cool gentle stream.
   Eb                 F7    Bb
I'll dress up in some garments, that are fit for a King
Eb              Eb7     Ab
and I'll hold more treasure than this worlds ever seen.
        Ab    Eb          Bb     Eb
Hey I may not have much here, but look what's waiting for me.

🎸 Chorus:
Eb  Eb7  Ab     Eb
Heaven, is waiting for me Such beauty and splendor
Eb       Bb
eyes have never seen.
Eb     Ab       Eb      Eb  Ab  Eb
Jesus, his sweet face I'll see I don't have much here
Bb     Eb
but look what's waiting for me.

🎸 Outro:
Eb       Ab  Eb          Bb     Ab
I may not have much here, but look what's waiting for me
Eb Ab Eb
look what's waiting for me.

Look Whats Waiting For Me chords

The Kingsmen chords for Look whats waiting for me

What Is This?

Look Whats Waiting For Me by The Kingsmen guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the guide for intermediate guitarists looking to master the song Look Whats Waiting For Me by The Kingsmen. This page is specifically designed for musicians who have moved beyond the basics and are ready to challenge themselves with learing to play this song using our chords.

Why This Page Is Perfect for You?

As an intermediate guitarist, you've already built a solid foundation of skills and are ready to elevate your playing to the advanced level.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Look Whats Waiting For Me" by The Kingsmen with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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