"The Jolly Green Giant" (based on the Olympics' "Big Boy Pete", by Don Harris and Dewey Terry; parody lyrics by Lynn Easton) Intro: In duh valley of duh jolly... (Ho - ho - ho) Wow! [rimshot] Verse 1:
F7 Bb F7 C7 Heard .. (potatoes) F7 Bb F7 C7 He's .. F7 Bb He s.. C7 [N.C.] And .. guitar (doubled w/organ); played after each verse: (C7) (F) v v v v v ---------------------|--- ---1-----------------|--- -----3-1-3h5p3-1-----|--- -----------------3-1-|-3- ---------------------|--- ---------------------|--- ^^^^^ triplet Verse 2: Bridge 1: E F [N.C.] One .. E F [N.C.] His .. E F [N.C.] I .. E F [N.C.] This .. E F [N.C.] Now .. E F [N.C.] He .. E F F# G [N.C.] C7 And .. Verse 3: Bridge 2: Verse 4: [repeat verse w/wordless vocal] ... (carrots) ... (canned beans) [repeat guitar/organ riff; end cold on F] -- another ace 60's tab from Andrew Rogers