The Hum , awesome intro , never boring song , this is what Killing Joke is all about. All fans should know how to play it. Play the intro g-d-a up, then g-a alternately and go on to 5 string chord , a-d-g down then strike the lower strings upward two times , hitting the 3rd string ("d") on the way down. e------------- | e------------- | e-- 8 -------- b------------- | b------------- | b-- 8 -------- g-- 1 -------- | g-- 2 -------- | g-- 8 -------- d-- 1 -------- | d-- x -------- | d-- 5 -------- a-- 0 -------- | a-- 0 -------- | a-- 6 -------- e---x--------- | e-- x -------- | e-- x --------
The second part of the intro goes d-g down/up two times , go to second chord as before and then hit 5 string chord , also as before e------------- | e------------- | e-- 8 -------- b------------- | b------------- | e-- 8 -------- g-- 1 -------- | g-- 2 -------- | g-- 8 -------- d-- 1 -------- | d-- x -------- | d-- 5 -------- a-- 0 -------- | a-- 0 -------- | a-- 6 -------- e-- x -------- | e-- x -------- | e-- x -------- This is done four times with different variations depending on the version. Then play the following chords in between , along with the voice. Strike the first one up-down-up and then the second one up-down up , then the first one and so alternately. For the break , play the intro as the second scheme. e-- 0 -------- | e-- 0 -------- | b-- 14 ------- | b-- 0 -------- | g-- 0 -------- | g-- 13 ------- | d-- x -------- | d-- x -------- | a-- x -------- | a-- x -------- | e---x--------- | e-- x -------- | Guitar tone setting also depend on version , "Revelations" studio version is in higher tuning then live versions. I do many KJ songs , some are virtually impossible to play , like "Sanity" and "wintergardens". Enjoy !! Eric/Netherlands