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The Hum by Killing Joke

The Hum tab by Killing Joke

Guitar tabs

The Hum , awesome intro , never boring song ,
this is what Killing Joke is all about.
All fans should know how to play it.

Play the intro g-d-a up, then g-a alternately
and go on to 5 string chord , a-d-g down then
strike the lower strings upward two times ,
hitting the 3rd string ("d") on the way down.

e------------- | e------------- | e-- 8 --------
b------------- | b------------- | b-- 8 --------
g-- 1 -------- | g-- 2 -------- | g-- 8 --------
d-- 1 -------- | d-- x -------- | d-- 5 --------
a-- 0 -------- | a-- 0 -------- | a-- 6 --------
e---x--------- | e-- x -------- | e-- x --------
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
The second part of the intro goes d-g down/up
two times , go to second chord as before and then
hit 5 string chord , also as before

e------------- | e------------- | e-- 8 --------
b------------- | b------------- | e-- 8 --------
g-- 1 -------- | g-- 2 -------- | g-- 8 --------
d-- 1 -------- | d-- x -------- | d-- 5 --------
a-- 0 -------- | a-- 0 -------- | a-- 6 --------
e-- x -------- | e-- x -------- | e-- x --------

This is done four times with different variations
depending on the version.

Then play the following chords in between , along
with the voice. Strike the first one up-down-up
and then the second one up-down up , then the
first one and so alternately.
For the break , play the intro as the second

e-- 0 -------- | e-- 0 -------- |
b-- 14 ------- | b-- 0 -------- |
g-- 0 -------- | g-- 13 ------- |
d-- x -------- | d-- x -------- |
a-- x -------- | a-- x -------- |
e---x--------- | e-- x -------- |

Guitar tone setting also depend on version ,
"Revelations" studio version is in higher tuning
then live versions.
I do many KJ songs , some are virtually impossible
to play , like "Sanity" and "wintergardens".
Enjoy !!

The Hum tab

Killing Joke tabs for The hum

What Is This?

The Hum by Killing Joke guitar tabs playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "The Hum" by Killing Joke! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "The Hum" by Killing Joke with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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