Submitted By: Lockie D EMail: xtreme_psyko@hotmail.comI noticed in a lot of KR songs tabbed here, the 2nd guitarist is often forgotten. I see why now, it's a lot of work getting those parts tabbed. But, I went ahead and sat down and listened to a few songs and got the 2nd guitar part (the part hardest to hear) for this song. Here it is (intro-this is an eleven, not 2 ones) e | B |--11/12---- G | D | A | e |
(verse) e | B | G |-----------5-5------ D |--1/2-2--2-----5-5-2-2 A | e | (pre chorus) e |--------------7----5 B |--11-12/11---------- (chorus-these are elevens, tens, and twelves) e | B | G |--6-86-86-8-10/11--10------------- D |-------------------------11-10---- A |--------------------------------12 e |