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We Shall Wear A Robe And Crown by Karen Peck And New River

We Shall Wear A Robe And Crown chords by Karen Peck And New River

Guitar chords with lyrics

Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)


Verse 1:
Watch ye therefore ye know not the day

When the Lord shall call your soul away
C          G        C
If you're fighting, striving for the right
G     Em   A  D  G   C G
You shall wear a robe and crown
Watch ye therefore ye know not the day
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When the Lord shall call your soul away
C          G
If you're fighting, striving for the right
G     E   A  D  G
You shall wear a robe and crown

I'm gonna wear a crown

I'm gonna wear a crown

When the trumpet sounds

When the trumpet sounds
G7 C        G B Em C
Ooo I'm gonna wear a crown
Soon as my feet strike Zion

Lay down my heavy burden
Put on my robe in glory
Shout and tell him my story
G    E   A  D  G   G D#
We shall wear a robe and crown

Verse 2:
Watch ye therefore ye know not the day

When the Lord shall call your soul away
C#         G#    C    C#
If you're fighting, striving for the right
G#    F   Bb  D# G#
You shall wear a robe and crown

I'm gonna wear a crown

I'm gonna wear a crown

When the trumpet sounds

When the trumpet sounds
G#7 C#        G#  C Fm C#
Ooo I'm gonna wear a crown
Soon as my feet strike Zion

Lay down my heavy burden
Put on my robe in glory
Shout and tell him my story

Sit Down Beside King Jesus

Tell him How I Made It Over
Put on my robe in glory
Shout and tell him my story
G#    F   Bb7 D# G#
We shall wear a robe and crown
E        A
I'm gonna wear a crown

I'm gonna wear a crown

When the trumpet sounds

When the trumpet sounds
A7 D        F#m D
Ooo I'm gonna wear a crown
Soon as my feet strike Zion

Lay down my heavy burden
Put on my robe in glory
Shout and tell him my story
A    F#m  B  E  A
We Shall Wear A Robe And Crown
Soon as my feet strike Zion

Lay down my heavy burden
Put on my robe in glory
Shout and tell him my story
A    F#   B  E  A
We Shall Wear A Robe And Crown
F        Bb
I'm gonna wear a crown

I'm gonna wear a crown

When the trumpet sounds

When the trumpet sounds
Bb7 Eb        Bb Bbm Gm Eb
Ooo I'm gonna wear a crown
Soon as My Feet Strike Zion

Gonna Lay Down My Heavy Burden
Put on my robe in glory
Shout and tell The Glad Story
Bb    Gm   C7  F  Bb
We shall wear a robe and crown

We Shall Wear A Robe And Crown chords

Karen Peck And New River chords for We shall wear a robe and crown

What Is This?

We Shall Wear A Robe And Crown by Karen Peck And New River guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "We Shall Wear A Robe And Crown" by Karen Peck And New River! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "We Shall Wear A Robe And Crown" by Karen Peck And New River with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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