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Kesempatan Belum Ada by Kacau Rasta

Kesempatan Belum Ada chords by Kacau Rasta

Guitar chords with lyrics

Kesempatan Belum Ada
Album : -
Cipt : Dhery

G Am C D 2x

G Am C D
Saatku berpikir,dengan semua ini
Hidup perlu perubahan
G Am C D
Gak gini-gini aja,gak gitu-gitu aja
Berubah tuk gapai masa depan

G Am C D
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
G Am C
Pasti punya tujuan, pasti punya harapan
Tuk meraih semua keinginan
G Am C D
Karena kita harus belajar dari semua kehidupan yang kita rasakan

Coda :
Ambil-lah semua kesempatan, yang ada
C G Am
Jangan disia-siakan
Itu semua

Reff :
G Am C D
Bukannya aku malas bekerja, tapi kesempatan yang belum ada (2x)

G Am C D 3x

Back to Coda
Back to Reff (2x)

G Am C D
Belum ada.. Kesempatan, Kesempatan yang Belum ada (2x)

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Kesempatan Belum Ada chords

Kacau Rasta chords for Kesempatan belum ada

What Is This?

Kesempatan Belum Ada by Kacau Rasta guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the chords guide for "Kesempatan Belum Ada" by Kacau Rasta! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Kesempatan Belum Ada" by Kacau Rasta with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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