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Thank You For Listening by Joshua Ray Walker

Thank You For Listening chords by Joshua Ray Walker

Guitar chords with lyrics

🎸 Intro:

Fadd9 G Fadd9

🎸 Verse 1:
F               G
Thanks for listening to all my sad songs
      Fm            C
Thanks for loving me when I sing the words wrong
     F           G7
Makes the bad times not seem so long
      Fadd9  G Fadd9
Thanks for listening
I coulda bit down on a dry fire
      Fm        C
'Cause God made me with some crossed wires
     F            G
Would've been singing in an angel choir
    Fadd9    G Fadd9
Thanks for listening
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🎸 Chorus:
C          Fm        F
Who'd have known I'd stick around this long
  C        Fm      G
By listening to the words in all my songs?
C        Fm      F
If this were my final curtain call
     G     C
I'd have no regrets at all

🎸 Verse 2:
    F      G
We were drinking in graveyards
       Fm       C
Sneaking off kissing in our friends' cars
    F          G
Playing our guitars outside the bars
Fadd9        G Fadd9
Thanks for listening
You might've seen me on your TV
     Fm           C
They even let me on the grand ol' opry
  F                 G
If you'd have told me I'd have never believed
      Fadd9  G Fadd9
Thanks for listening

🎸 Chorus:
C          Fm        F
Who'd have known I'd stick around this long
  C        Fm      G
By listening to the words in all my songs?
C        Fm      F
If this were my final curtain call
     G     C
I'd have no regrets at all
(But most of all)

🎸 Outro:
      F          G
Thanks for listening to all my sad songs
      Fm            C
Thanks for loving me when I sing the words wrong
     F         G
Makes the bad times not seem so long
        Fadd9 G Fadd9
Thanks for listening

Thank You For Listening chords

Joshua Ray Walker chords for Thank you for listening

What Is This?

Thank You For Listening by Joshua Ray Walker guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the chords guide for "Thank You For Listening" by Joshua Ray Walker! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Thank You For Listening" by Joshua Ray Walker with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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