Tuning: Standard (E A D G) Key: Bm Difficulty: Intermediate A MATTER OF TRUST (Bassline) As recorded by Billy Joel (From the 1986 Album THE BRIDGE) Gtr I (E A D G) - 'Doug Stegmeyer - Bass' Intro: Q=115 4/4 Gtr I W W W H E E E E G|----------|----------|----------|--------------| D|----------|----------|----------|--------------| A|----------|----------|----------|-5----0-5---4-| E|----------|----------|----------|--------------|
1st - 4th Verses: Segno $ Segno Segno $$ H E Q E H E E E E H E E E E H E E E E G|-------------|--------------|--------------||----------------| D|-------------|--------------|--------------||o---------------| A|-2------2--4-|-5----0-5---4-|-2------2---4-||o-5----0-5---4--| E|------2------|--------------|------2-------||----------------| H E E E E H E E E E H E E E E H a E a Q a E G|--------------|--------------|--------------|-------------------| D|--------------|--------------|--------------|-------------------| A|-2------2---4-|-5------5---4-|-2------2---2-|------2h4-2h4--2h4-| E|------2-------|------5-------|------2-------|-2-----------------| H E E E E H E E E E H E E E E H E E E E G|--------------|--------------|--------------|---------------| D|--------------|--------------|--------------|---------------| A|--------------|--------------|--------2---4-|-5----0-5---4--| E|-2----0-2---4-|-5----5-5---0-|-5----5-------|---------------| H E E E E H E E E E H E E E E Q Q E E E E G|--------------|--------------|--------------|----------------| D|--------------|--------------|--------------|----------------| A|-2------2---2-|-5----0-5---4-|-2------2---4-|----------------| E|------2-------|--------------|------2-------|-2--2--5-5---5--| Interlude: 1. To Coda To Double Coda H E E E E H E a Q a E H E E E E H E E E E G|--------------|------------------|--------------||--------------| D|--------------|------------------|--------------||--------------| A|--------------|------0-5h7--5h7--|-0----0-0-2-4-||-5----0-5---4-| E|-2----0-2---4-|-5----------------|--------------||--------------| H E E E E H E E E E H E E E E G|--------------|--------------|---------------|| D|--------------|--------------|--------------o|| A|-2------2---4-|-5----0-5---4-|-2------2---4-o|| E|------2-------|--------------|------2--------|| Bridge: 2. H E E E E E E E E E E E E G|--------------||-------------------| D|--------------||-------------------| A|----------4---||-------------------| E|-5----0-5---5-||-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---| E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E G|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|------------------| D|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|------------------| A|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|------------------| E|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-|-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-|-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--| E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E G|-----------------|-----------------| D|-----------------|-----------------| A|---------------4-|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-| E|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5---|-----------------| Guitar Solo: Dal Segno al Coda Coda & E E E E E E E E H E E E E H E E E E G|------------------||--------------||---------------| D|------------------||--------------||---------------| A|------------------||--------2---4-||-5----0-5---4--| E|-3-3-3-3-3-5-5-5--||-5----5-------||---------------| H E E E E H E E E E H E E E E H E Q E G|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------| D|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------| A|-2------2---2-|-5----0-5---4-|-2------2---2-|-----------4--| E|------2-------|--------------|------2-------|-2----0-5-----| Bridge: H E E E E H E E E E H E E Q E E E E E E E E G|--------------|--------------|-------------||------------------| D|--------------|--------------|-------------||------------------| A|------------0-|--------------|-------------||------------------| E|-2----0-2-----|-5----0-5---0-|-5----0-5-5--||-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--| E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E G|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|------------------| D|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|------------------| A|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|------------------| E|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-|-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-|-0-0-0-0-0-2-3-0--| Dal Segno Segno al Double Coda Double Coda && E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E H E E E E G|-----------------|-----------------|------------------||--------------|| D|-----------------|-----------------|------------------||--------------|| A|---------------4-|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-|------------------||--------2---4-|| E|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5---|-----------------|-3-3-3-3-3-5-5-5--||-5----5-------|| Outro: H E E E E H E E E E H E E E E H E Q E G||---------------|--------------|--------------|-------------| D||o--------------|--------------|--------------|--------4----| A||o-5----0-5---4-|-2------2---4-|-5----0-5---4-|-2---------4-| E||---------------|------2-------|--------------|------2------| H E E E E H E E E E H E E E E H E E E E G|--------------|--------------|--------------|----------------|| D|--------------|--------------|--------------|---------------o|| A|-5----0-5---4-|-2------2---4-|-5----0-5---4-|-2------2---4--o|| E|--------------|------2-------|--------------|------2---------|| ************************************ Duration 🏷Legend W - whole; H - half; Q - quarter; E - 8th; S - 16th; a - acciaccatura; + - note tied to previous; . - note dotted; Duration letters will always appear directly above the note/fret number it represents the duration for. Duration letters with no fret number below them represent rests. Uncapitalized letters represent notes that are staccato (1/2 duration). | (n) - note tied to previous | h - hammer-on *************************************