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The Trooper Solo by Iron Maiden

The Trooper Solo tab by Iron Maiden

Guitar tabs

id AA03360; Tue, 15 Mar 94 16:46:33 +0100
	id AA13121; Tue, 15 Mar 94 15:46:31 GMT
	id AA02258; Tue, 15 Mar 94 15:46:29 GMT

>From caladan@maths.tcd.ie (Edmund Breslin)

		The Trooper solo
		  Iron Maiden

Key to Tab:

15b(17) 	Finger note on 15th fret and bend up to pitch
		of note in brackets.
14b(16)r14	Same as above except bend is released back to
		stated pitch.
/15		Slide up to a note.
17\		Slide down from a note.
9~		Vibrato or shake.
5h8		Hammer On.
17p15		Pull Off.
5h7p5tr.	Trill-repeated hammers and pulls.
7t16  	7th fret fingered with left hand and 16th fret tapped
		with right hand.
P.H.		Pinch Harmonic.
NH		Natural Harmonic.
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
         The Trooper(Solo's)

       by Iron Maiden(Steve Harris)

    Copied by Eddie Breslin(caladan@maths.tcd.ie)

Solo 1: Adrian Smith
  E5               D5

      B5                  C5    D5

    E5                       D5



           C5     D5   E5


           C5  *With harmony(see end of post)
           E5             Harmony ends *

  B5                 C5         D5

Solo 2: Dave Murray
 (D5)  A5                 G5

      E5           F5  G5

  A5                G5

       E5                 F5

  G5             A5

|--13--12--13--12--12---------/10-----------10--13b(15)-HOLD BEND-|

        E5       F5   G5

         A5                  G5


  F5       D5 G5 D5

Harmony for Solo 1:



The Trooper Solo tab

Iron Maiden tabs for The trooper solo

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The Trooper Solo by Iron Maiden guitar tabs playing instructions.

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Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "The Trooper Solo" by Iron Maiden! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "The Trooper Solo" by Iron Maiden with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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