Artist: Interpol Song: NARC Album: live...not released yet Tabber: Mike Silver ( Awesome song, I saw them play it live for the first time in Montreal. This tab is all my own work. Main riff (Daniel): --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- -----------------------7--- ---7-9-10-10-----7-9-10--10 7-------------7------------
VERSE For "so surprise..." Paul plays D...B and then 2----- --3--- ----2- ------ ------ ------ Then he plays with the D chord a bit during the "It's easy to surprise the part of me..." thing Then the CHORUS: "tonight..." 7--//-7-//-7-//-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--- 7--//-7-//-7-//-8-7-8-7-8-7-8-7--- 7--//-9-//-9-//-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--- 9--//-7-//-9-//-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--- 10-//---//-7-//-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--- ---//---//---//------------------- Then another VERSE exactly the same as the first one Then Paul hits E minor a bunch of times... While daniel does: ---------------- ----7-----7----- 9-7---9-7-7-9-7- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- Paul goes... 7---7--7-7---7- 8---10-8-8---7- 9---9--9-9---7- 9---9--9-9---7- 7---7--7-7---7- --------------- With some improvisation. There's other bits I don't feel like tabbing that are very easy to figure out. _________________________________________________________________