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All I Got To Lose Is You by Hüsker Dü

All I Got To Lose Is You chords by Hüsker Dü

Guitar chords with lyrics

very underrated, since it wasn´t released on any album.
But there are several bootlegs which feature the song. Unfortunally, I haven´t got any
for the lyrics of the song, so no lyrics with the chords.

Chords used:

  F#m (no 3rd) : 244xxx (or, as used in Chorus x9 11 11 xx)
  Bm (no 3rd) : x244xxx  D : x5777x (or xx0232)
  E : x7999x (or 022100)  A : 577655  C#m (no 3rd) : x466xx


Palm Muted F#m, then Intro Riff:
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
G-----4-2--4-4---| followed by F#m Strumming

Verse: Bm D "Intro Riff"

Chorus: A E F#m (Bob places a quick E after this F#m in here in some recordings) D
    A E "Intro Riff" for several Times

Verse: as above

Chorus: as above

Bridge: E C#m (same changes over the solo)

Solo: see Bridge, play around with the F# Minor Scale if soloing.

Second Bridge: C#m A B x3
        C#m D E x1

Multiple Choruses: as above

Outro: A E F#m (chorus style chord voicing)

That´s it, a great song from Hüsker Dü, I hope you like my tab. If you want me to tab
any other Hüsker Dü/Sugar/Bob Mould songs, or just want to share your thoughts about their

All I Got To Lose Is You chords

Hüsker Dü chords for All i got to lose is you

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All I Got To Lose Is You by Hüsker Dü guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "All I Got To Lose Is You" by Hüsker Dü! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "All I Got To Lose Is You" by Hüsker Dü with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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